Written by Anders Heie   
Not Version related

What I went through to move my existing site to Umbraco.



So, I've decided to try and convert our existing website to Umbraco. It's not a terribly complicated website, you can see it here: http://www.kadonk.com, but it does have its own little 'quirks' that I have to sort out.

I am going to document the process in this document, hoping to learn a little, and maybe help others getting started. I am not an umbraco expert, just trying to document what I went through, so that others may learn from my mistakes and successes.

These are the steps I need to take to get my website converted, at least the steps I can foresee at this point... The following sections are not necessarily listed in this order :-)

  • Installing Umbraco on our server (Done)  - 2 hours
  • Writing our own Membership provider as a .NET user control, as we have thousands of users that needs to login to our site, and I am not in the business of keeping databases in sync.
  • Moving CSS, scripts, and a framework on nested ASP.NET MasterPages (Done) - 1 day
  • See if I can get our existing URL redirection to work with Umbraco (not started)
  • Figure out how to handle my HTTPS pages (currently automatically handed on a folder level) (not started)
  • Figure out how URL parameters can be handled for my dynamically generated pages.  (not started)
  • Converting our existing shopping cart to a .NET user control. (not started)
  • Enabling secure web services WSE3

Update July 14th: The move is taking too long with too many little things to fix. I'm not going to use Umbraco for now (3.x), but possibly re-visit when version 4 comes out. I hope that my scribbling here can help others trying to move to Umbraco, as I at least made some progress.

Explore the coming Umbraco 4

Brilliant umbraco hosting provided by FAB-IT