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umbraco 3.0

/Base is a extendable system for building url based xml feeds of data from Umbraco. Lets go through howto build your first xml feed


What is /Base?

/Base is a extendable system for creating raw feeds directly from Umbraco using very basic Url's. This enables developers to access umbraco data through f.ex. flash or javascript and even modify umbraco data directly via url's - /Base could be called a very simple REST system, altho not 100%.

/Base doesn't generate any data by itself, it just acts as a proxy and outputs data based on the urls passed to it. It is actually a very basic system for getting data out of umbraco with very few lines of code, so to explain what /base actually is, we're going to build some sample xml feeds for getting a data output and even build a sample feed for modifying data in umbraco - using simple urls.

To extend /Base to use your own code you should know about simple c# coding, some umbraco API basics and the /Base config file syntax. This Book will assume that the reader knows basic c#.

But let's get started on explaining how you can build xml feeds with /Base

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