
Adobe Flex 3

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Create engaging, cross-platform rich Internet applications

Flex is a highly productive, free open source framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops, and operating systems. While Flex applications can be built using only the free open source framework, developers can use Adobe® Flex® Builder™ software to dramatically accelerate development.

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Tour de Flex

Expand what you can do with Flex with running examples of common components, effects, and coding techniques.


Public beta release - Download from Adobe Labs

Check out the newest features, like introspecting services and binding methods to components using drag and drop.

Adobe and Zend Announce Collaboration

Adobe and Zend have announced a new collaboration for creating Flex applications powered by Zend Framework.

Adobe and SpringSource Announce Collaboration

SpringSource has added support for Blaze DS and LiveCycle Data Services in its latest releases, making integration with Flex easy.

Flex is open source

Flex is open source with the release of Flex 3.