Tuesday, June 30

Jens Lekman Contracts Swine Flu

Quarantined at home in Sweden. Jens Lekman Contracts Swine Flu

Jens Lekman has contracted the H1N1 virus, which you might know as "swine flu". The pop auteur, who got the virus while on tour in South America earlier this month, is recovering back home in Sweden right now. (via Inkiostro)

Lekman revealed his illness on his blog. Apparently, he first started feeling sick on the flight home from Chile. That sounds like a hellish experience, but Lekman seems pretty laid back about the whole thing:

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5-10-15-20: RZA

The Wu-Tang mastermind on Run-DMC, Donny Hathaway, and drugs 5-10-15-20: RZA

Welcome to 5-10-15-20, a new feature in Pitchfork News. In 5-10-15-20, we talk to artists about the music they loved at five-year interval points in their lives. Maybe we'll get a detailed roadmap of how their tastes and passions helped make them who they are. Maybe we'll just learn that they really liked hearing the "Defenders of the Earth" theme song over and over when they were kids. Either way, it'll be fun.

For this edition, we spoke with Wu-Tang Clan abbot RZA, who gave his age as "older than the sun, older than the moon, and older than the stars."

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Monday, June 29

News in Brief: Mew, the 801, Bobby Bare Jr., Whartscape

News in Brief: Mew, the 801, Bobby Bare Jr., Whartscape

-- The new album from Trent Reznor-approved epic rockers Mew, No More Stories..., isn't out until August 25 in the U.S. (August 24 in the UK, and August 17 in Scandinavia), but the Danes are prepping a five-song preview EP featuring two new songs from the record and three fresh B-sides for digital release tomorrow, June 30. You can hear the two album tracks, "Repeaterbeater" and "Introducing Palace Players", over in Forkcast.

-- In 1976, Roxy Music band mates Phil Manzanera and Brian Eno got a bunch of their buddies together and performed a handful of perspective-pushing gigs as the 801. The concerts soon became legendary in certain circles, as did the live albums that accompanied them. And now Manzanera's Expression imprint is readying four 801 live albums-- including standard bearer 801 Live-- for reissue with all sorts of fancy packaging and extras. The re-releases are out August 11.

-- Wily singer-songwriters Bobby Bare Jr. and David Vandervelde release a seven-song covers album dedicated to 1970s soft rockers America and Bread on August 11 to independent record stores via Junket Boy. In case there was any confusion, the EP is called American Bread.

-- Whartscape, the weekend free-for-all put on by Baltimore's Wham City label, is set to go down July 10-12 at various Charm City locales. Acts playing the fest include Dan Deacon, Wolf Eyes, Ponytail, Celebration, Wye Oak, and damn near every B-more band with a semi-free schedule. More info here.

Posted by Ryan Dombal on June 29, 2009 at 3:50 p.m.

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T.V. Eye: June 29 - July 4

T.V. Eye: June 29 - July 4

Live music on T.V. this week:

Monday, June 29:

PBS: Tavis Smiley: A tribute to Michael Jackson
NBC: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon: Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the Roots (house band) (rerun)
CBS: Late Show With David Letterman: Steve Earle (rerun)
NBC: Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien: Green Day (rerun)

Tuesday, June 30:

NBC: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon: The Roots (house band) (rerun)
NBC: Last Call With Carson Daly: Charles Hamilton (rerun)

Wednesday, July 1:

NBC: Last Call With Carson Daly: Little Boots (rerun)
NBC: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon: The Roots (house band) (rerun)

Thursday, July 2:

ABC: Jimmy Kimmel Live: Phoenix, David Cross (rerun)
CBS: Late Show With David Letterman: PJ Harvey and John Parish (rerun)
NBC: Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien: Neko Case (rerun)
NBC: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon: Asher Roth, the Roots (house band) (rerun)

Friday, July 3:

NBC: Last Call With Carson Daly: N.A.S.A. (rerun)
CBS: Late Show With David Letterman: Rick Ross with Magazeen (rerun)
NBC: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon: Keane, the Roots (house band) (rerun)

Saturday, July 4:

NBC: Saturday Night Live: Ludacris and T-Pain (rerun)

Posted by Tom Breihan on June 29, 2009 at 3:15 p.m.



Listen to an Unreleased Billy Corgan/Sky Saxon Song, "Choose to Choose Love"

Listen to an Unreleased Billy Corgan/Sky Saxon Song, "Choose to Choose Love"

Before garage rocking cult hero and Seeds singer Sky Saxon passed away last Thursday, he wrote and recorded a duet with friend and fellow psychedelic thinker Billy Corgan called "Choose to Choose Love". And now the hippie jam-- featuring Corgan on backup vocals-- is currently available on a new Facebook page dedicated to the late artist. You can read the lyrics here.

In a recent blog post, Corgan had this to say about Saxon: "Sky lived everyday with the concept of LOVE as his guide, and he walked the talk. He was a spiritual warrior who would tell me that Yahowha knew the beauty of our hearts, and that musicians were the living prophets of the world."

Posted by Ryan Dombal on June 29, 2009 at 2:40 p.m.

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New Release: Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band: Between My Head and the Sky

New Release: Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band: <i>Between My Head and the Sky</i>

Artist: Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band
Album: Between My Head and the Sky
Release Date: September 22
Label: Chimera Music

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Pixies to Celebrate Doolittle on Tour

Pixies to Celebrate <i>Doolittle</i> on Tour

Homepage photo by Renaud Monfourny

As previously reported, the Pixies will drop their outrageously lavish Minotaur box set this fall. The set will collect all the band's studio albums and include all sorts of sumptuous artwork, but it won't squeeze in any bonus tracks or even a remastering job. The implication, it seems, is that the Pixies' albums are sacred.

And now NME reports and the band's reps confirm that the Pixies will continue to celebrate one of those albums, 1989's Doolittle, when they tour Europe in October. At these shows, the band will play every song from Doolittle, along with all the associated B-sides. And you know what that means: "Debaser", "Here Comes Your Man", "La La Love You", "Gouge Away". Doolittle turns 20 this year, after all. It's almost old enough to buy beer!

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Video: Kanye West: "Street Lights"

Over on his blog, Kanye West has posted Javier Longobardo's video for the 808s and Heartbreak electro-shoegaze lament "Streetlights". It looks like one of those pastel 80s beach-party T-shirts come to computer-animated life.

Considering that "Streetlights" is one of the most woozily cinematic tracks Kanye's ever composed, this could've been, uh, better. On the same day that big brother Jay-Z drops a video where he's hustling Harvey Keitel at poker and making jumpshots over Lebron James, this one doesn't quite hold up. Not everything has to look like Akira, Kanye!

Posted by Tom Breihan on June 29, 2009 at 12:50 p.m.

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MGMT, Karen O Guest on Flaming Lips LP

This is just getting better and better. MGMT, Karen O Guest on Flaming Lips LP

So we've got that potentially amazing girl-with-beard cover (still unconfirmed). Lots of talk about how this is going to be the Lips' return to weird. And now we get news that both MGMT and Karen O are set to make very special appearances on the Flaming Lips' upcoming double album, Embryonic, according to an interview with Wayne Coyne himself on Swiss website Die Klangschau.

"We have MGMT doing a song with us and we have Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs doing a couple songs with us," said the Wayner. "For the Karen O tracks, I just called her up in her hotel room and we just did it right over the telephone. It's pretty absurd." (Insert "phoning it in" joke here.)

No word on what these featured players are doing on the record, exactly, but I'm hoping for screams, yelps, and squiggles. You can listen to the whole interview here.

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Wavves' Nathan Williams Speaks About Barcelona Meltdown, Future Plans

"I can't fuck up once? If people think that I'm not going to fuck up, there's no reason to even come and watch me." Wavves' Nathan Williams Speaks About Barcelona Meltdown, Future Plans

Last month, Nathan Williams, the force behind the San Diego noise-pop entity Wavves, played a self-destructive mess of a set at Barcelona's Primavera Sound Festival. As Pitchfork's Ryan Schreiber described here, he made fun of the crowd, scrapped with his drummer, and dodged bottles, all before soundmen finally shut off his mic. In the process, Williams set off a frenzy fed by posting and then removing an apology on his own blog, wherein he admitted to taking a cocktail of Ecstasy, Valium, and Xanax before coming on stage.

In the aftermath of the meltdown, Williams cancelled his European tour and returned home. Now, he is breaking his silence, talking for the first time about the Barcelona set and its aftermath, working with Hella drummer Zach Hill, and what the future holds for Wavves.

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