
For Flex developers

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The new Adobe® AIR™ runtime lets developers use Adobe Flex® technology to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) that deploy to the desktop. AIR applications run across operating systems and are easily delivered using a single installer file. With AIR, Flex developers can use their existing skills, tools, and code to build highly engaging, visually rich applications that combine the power of local resources and data with the reach of the web.

Developer benefits

Benefits of Adobe AIR for developers using Flex include:

  • Use your existing skills, tools, and code to build engaging desktop applications that complement and expand your web-based applications.
  • Take advantage of the desktop capabilities in Adobe AIR to build applications that are more responsive, engaging, and valuable for users.
  • Connect local desktop resources and data with web technologies to bridge the gap between the desktop and the web.
  • Deliver the same behavior on the desktop as in the browser. AIR applications built with Flex use the high-performance, cross-operating system virtual machine from Adobe Flash® Player 9 software.
  • Feel more confident about the reliability and stability of your AIR applications knowing that they use proven, open technologies such as Tamarin, WebKit, and SQLite.

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