Guest Lists

Mark Kozelek

Mark Kozelek

by Tyler Grisham

May 27, 2009

Welcome to the latest edition of Pitchfork's Guest List. Each week, we ask one of our favorite artists to fill us in on what they've been up to lately: which tracks they can't stop spinning, what books they can't put down, and what new bands they've caught on tour. This week it's Mark Kozelek of Red House Painters and Sun Kil Moon, who reveals which artist's rendition of a Sondheim song inspired his own recent cover of the tune, and offers his best picks of the Spanish classical guitar masters.

Favorite New Songs of the Past Year

Death Cab for Cutie: "Cath".

Will Oldham: "You Want That Picture".

Snuffy Walden: "Theme to 'Friday Night Lights'".

Favorite Older Music at the Moment

I've been listening to a lot of classical guitar music. I like "Granada" by Isaac Albeniz, "Recuerdos de la Alhambra" by [Francisco] Tárrega-- both best by [Andrés] Segovia. I also like the John Williams version of "Cavatina" a lot, that piece of music in The Deer Hunter.

Favorite New Band

Guitarist Ana Vidovic, from Croatia.

Artist I'd Most Like to Collaborate With

Kaki King.

Favorite Song Ever

Judy Collins: "Send in the Clowns".

Last Great Concert I Saw

Jenny Lewis at the Herbst Theatre, San Francisco.

Last Great Film I Saw

The Wrestler.

Last Great Book I Read

Dean Wareham: Black Postcards.

Favorite Piece of Musical Equipment

1930's Gibson L-00.

Favorite Record Shop

Amoeba in San Francisco. [I picked up] Ana Vidovic's first album.

First Record I Bought For Myself

David Bowie: Changes One.

Favorite City to Play In

Asheville, North Carolina. A great cajun cook there at the Grey Eagle.

One Popular Band I Think Should Be More Obscure

Sigur Rós. I can't stand them.

One Obscure Band I Think Should Be More Popular

Damien Jurado. I played with him in Spain recently, he has some good songs.

Strangest Display of Affection You've Ever Gotten From a Fan

A massage.

Best Purchase of the Past Year

A Cervantes guitar.

Best Thing I Did in the Past Year

Went to Japan.

Favorite Venue

Great American Music Hall, San Francisco.

My Favorite TV Show

"Friday Night Lights".

My Favorite Video Game

Never played one.

My Ringtone

Whatever it came with, some drum thing.
