An American in Yemen

Laura Kasinof - Special to GlobalPost April 9, 2009 06:36 ET

Learning the lingo in the land of Bin Laden

American students flock to Yemen to learn Arabic, undeterred by the country's reputation as an Al Qaeda stronghold.

By Laura Kasinof - Special to GlobalPost
Published: April 9, 2009 06:51 ET
Updated: April 9, 2009 17:40 ET

SANA'A, Yemen — Nathan Karp takes a table inside the campus of the Yemeni College of Middle Eastern Studies, cracks open his dog-eared Arabic dictionary, sips the first of many cups of potent tea and begins going over his verb conjugations.

Though no stranger to college campuses — having grown up in Berkeley, Calif., and studied at Brown University as an undergraduate...

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