Florida Monorail Initiative (2000)

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Florida Amendment 1, also known as the Florida Transportation Initiative, was on the November 7, 2000 election ballot in Florida. It passed, with 52.7% of voters in favor.

It was on the ballot as an initiated constitutional amendment.

Amendment 1, 2000, was the sixteenth citizen-initiated measure to appear on a Florida statewide ballot.

Text of the proposal

The language that appeared on the ballot:

To reduce traffic and increase travel alternatives, this amendment provides for development of a high speed monorail, fixed guideway or magnetic levitation system linking Florida's five largest urban areas and providing for access to existing air and ground transportation facilities and services by directing the state and/or state authorized private entity to implement the financing, acquisition of right-of-way, design, construction and operation of the system, with construction beginning by November 1, 2003.

See also

External links

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