
News & Events

Printing press


Press releases and announcements, media contacts and transcripts

Swine flu Vaccine Developement Research

2009 H1N1 (Swine) Flu Virus

FDA is working to address human infection with the 2009 H1N1 flu virus as part of a team led by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Peanuts suspected of having Salmonella

Peanut Product Recall Widget

A widget is an application that displays the featured content directly on your web page.


Press releases and announcements, media contacts and transcripts

What’s New By Topic

Updates on information about food, drugs, vaccines, medical devices and products, animal and veterinary issues, and cosmetics

Approvals of FDA-Regulated Products

New drugs and complex medical devices must meet stringent guidelines before being made available for consumer use

Public Health Focus

An archive of featured topics and public health issues


Congressional testimonies given by senior FDA leadership


Noteworthy public statements by FDA officials

Meetings, Conferences, & Workshops

Upcoming events, past meetings, and transcripts of those meetings
