Contact us

General information

The Missoulian is located at
500 S. Higgins, Missoula
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Phone: (406) 523-5200
Toll free: 1-800-366-7102
Fax: (406) 523-5221
PO Box 8029
Missoula, MT 59807

Phone: (406) 523-5240
Toll free: 1-800-366-7186
Fax: (406) 523-5294
Directory of newsroom staff

Letters to the editor
Letters should be 300 words or less. MUST include your real name, real address, phone number. While we welcome feedback from anyone, we only publish letters from within our print circulation area.
Phone: (406) 523-5241
Toll free: 1-800-366-7186
Fax: (406) 523-5294

Online department

online manager
Phone: (406) 523-5246
Directory of online staff

Phone: (406) 523-5280
Toll free: 1-800-332-2870
Fax: (406) 523-5342

Phone: (406) 721-6200
Toll free: 1-800-332-6212
Fax: (406) 523-5221
Visit our classified website

Phone: (406) 523-5240
First 3 column inches are free. The charge is $13.50 per column inch after 3 and $10.00 for publishing a photo. Please call to confirm that your email was received.

Publisher: Stacey Mueller

(406) 523-5201

Editor: Sherry Devlin

(406) 523-5250


Phone: (406) 523-5223
Toll free: 1-800-366-7193
Fax: (406) 523-5221
Online sales

Missoulian "Do Not Call" Policy

This newspaper uses the telephone as one important way to stay in contact with our customers and our potential customers in the community. Because a good relationship with the community is a necessary ingredient of our success, and in keeping with state and federal laws, it is the policy of this newspaper that we will not make sales-related telephone calls to any person who has indicated a desire not to receive such calls. This includes those who have registered with state or federal "Do Not Call Lists," as well as those who have previously told us directly that they do not wish to receive such calls.

Missoulian may at times offer subscription opportunities or solicit prospective customers by calling on private residences.

You may make a request to be added to our "Do Not Call" list in writing or by telephone. All requests should include your name, address, and telephone number. Written requests should be mailed to the address listed above and directed to Paul Taylor, Do Not Call Coordinator, Missoulian. Your telephone number will remain on our "Do Not Call" list for five years unless you specify otherwise. Of course, if your telephone number changes, you must give us your new number if you want your "Do Not Call" status to remain in effect.

Please keep in mind that regulations may permit Missoulian to contact you even if your telephone number is registered with your state or the national list.

For instance, if you were a subscriber to the newspaper in the past 180 days, we may contact you to inform you of a subscription opportunity even if your telephone number is on the state or national "Do Not Call" list. We like to remind customers as a service that their subscriptions are expiring and to offer advertising opportunities to selected customers.