Letters To The Editor

True heroes are remembered

I'm writing today for three reasons: in response to two letters written by Henry Jager and Judy Matott (Missoulian, July 12); I'm unemployed, so it's giving me something to do; and today's "Ellen" is a rerun.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:20 pm | Loading…

Don't let politics trump humanity

The health care debate raging around the country is most interesting since everyone seems to think our system needs an overhaul yet the often contentious atmosphere in meetings seems to line up along party lines.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

Libby's Stimson site revived

The Kootenai River Development Corp.'s efforts paid off for the residents of Libby with the recent announcement of a new industry that will create more than 200 jobs.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

Where's our raise?

José Manuel Zelaya, the glorious leader of Honduras, gave his workers a 60 percent pay raise.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

End of life care still in Missoula

Thank you for printing the Associated Press article on Aug. 2 about music thanatology, the end of life field that uses harp and voice to comfort the dying.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:10 pm | Loading…

Turn over land to state, cut taxes

Here is a substantial way to lower our property taxes, possibly by as much as 60 percent.

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:50 am | Loading…

Medicare works just fine

What if pharmaceutical companies were not allowed to advertise? Do you think it would lower the price of prescription drugs? The United States is only one of two countries in the world where pharmaceutical companies are able to. The other is New Zealand. Who knows why they still do?

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:45 am | Loading…

Other solutions make more sense

Do you who think that the public option/single-payer government system for health insurance is a good idea? I have been on Medicare for about a year now, and it isn't what it's cracked up to be. I receive a treatment twice per month in order to keep me alive. Medicare doesn't pay for all …

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:45 am | Loading…

Deal with water, oil waste

I'm beginning to love this town and its hills and rocks and river and hope to relocate here permanently. But as a newcomer, I am stunned by people watering their sidewalks at high noon and the huge number of minutes per day one must put in, in order to travel through a green stoplight - e…

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:45 am | Loading…

Front-page story wasn't news

Congrats to Hillary Shepard, real estate agent with Glacier Sothebys. Convincing a Missoulian reporter that a house auction was Sunday (Aug. 2) front-page news must have saved out-of-state owner-developer John Thornton and broker Shepard many thousands of dollars of advertising fees that …

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:45 am | Loading…

Engage officials for better drive

Missoula has had a problem with people running red lights for decades. This is not something new; however, it is nice to see the police finally start, even for a week, enforcing the law. Yet they can't do it alone.

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:40 am | Loading…

Speak up, or pay new 'tax'

A $1,000 or higher government fine yearly for each adult not buying health insurance, in a proposed law billed as "health reform," is a law that will take away citizens' freedom to choose whether to purchase insurance.

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:40 am | Loading…

Some autos could be upgrade

I see on TV that the so-called "clunkers" in the incentive that the federal government is giving are to be destroyed. Some of them do not look too bad. I have an idea. Let those people who cannot afford to buy a new car, trade their clunker in exchange for the better car a new car buyer i…

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:35 am | Loading…

Be informed and act mannerly

What on earth is going on, Montana folks? I am so proud of our ability to see through con artists but, gosh, what happened lately? A busload of protesters going to the town hall meeting paid for by big insurance? Are you on that bus? Why?

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:20 am | Loading…

Pay scale should reflect revenue

A tribal member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes who seeks to be elected to the Tribal Council should be aware of the duties, responsibilities and salary of the Tribal Council.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:15 am | Loading…

Add perspective; reveal care status

There have been a lot of letters submitted lately on the issue of health care reform; some folks think that it is "socialized medicine" while others think that is an appropriate role for government to fill in light of the millions of uninsured in the U.S.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:15 am | Loading…

Confirmation vote was just wrong

We read the Missoulian and the Ravalli Republic newspapers online almost every day. We are relocating back to Montana so we think it is OK to comment on how Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester voted for Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:10 am | Loading…

Restrictions need to be in place

Missoula desperately needs to regulate signs within city limits.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:10 am | Loading…

Boost fire safety with Tester's bill

Although we have been fortunate so far this year, the summer fire months can sometimes feel like a dangerous game of Russian roulette. We never know when or where the next big forest fire may spring up and endanger our homes and communities.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:05 am | Loading…

Taxes have to support plans

"Tax and spend" may be extravagant, but to spend without taxing has been really, really stupid. Annual interest charges now exceed $400 billion.

Aug 13, 2009 | 9:00 am | Loading…

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