

Long-term care being neglected

I've been watching the recent health care reform efforts with a great deal of optimism. I think this time that positive change can occur, but I'm concerned that long-term care reform isn't being addressed.

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:15 am | Loading…

No room for bigotry in Stevensville

The article in Aug. 11 Missoulian about the "Bro" sign in the Stevensville Creamery Picnic Parade has prompted me to respond. Cathy Kulonis seems to have no inkling of how bigoted she is with respect to race or gender. Her comment that she heard only a couple of people object to her racis…

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:15 am | Loading…

ELLEN GOODMAN: Creating tradition and memories on an island

CASCO BAY, Maine - I am back at my post. Feet planted on the porch railing. Back braced against the familiar contours of the Adirondack chair.

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:15 am | Loading…

Keep track of voting records

John Vail's letter in the Aug. 10 Missoulian makes the notation that the federal debt has increased by $3 trillion since the Democrats took control of Congress after the 2006 election. I agree with his focus on the issue, but the numbers he used do not match other recent public sources.

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:10 am | Loading…

Public option provides solution

Following a cerebral aneurysm, I was life-flighted from Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital to St. Patrick in Missoula. While my insurance would have covered an ambulance, it did not cover Life Flight ($5,000).

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:10 am | Loading…

Protect community health providers

For communities like ours, local health centers are where many people turn for trusted health care. Community health centers like Planned Parenthood of Montana often serve as an entry point for essential health care needs. And PPMT isn't the only health center women rely on for preventive…

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:10 am | Loading…

Is Baucus afraid of the public?

Where are you Sen. Baucus? I have tried in vain to reach any of your offices to find out if there will be a town hall meeting on health care reform to no avail. I did reach someone in your Washington office and was told your August schedule has not been finalized. This phone call took pla…

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:10 am | Loading…

How did elk ever survive before?

Aug 17, 2009 | 8:05 am | Loading…

Legal Services provides critical aid

Upon hearing the false and inaccurate criticism of the Legal Services Corp. by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, broadcast on CBS News, we felt compelled to provide accurate information about Montana Legal Services Association.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:25 pm | Loading…

True heroes are remembered

I'm writing today for three reasons: in response to two letters written by Henry Jager and Judy Matott (Missoulian, July 12); I'm unemployed, so it's giving me something to do; and today's "Ellen" is a rerun.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:20 pm | Loading…

Country prospers under Democratic presidents

Since President George W. Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress decided to fund the Iraq war with deficit spending, the conflict has represented an unfunded federal mandate valued at about $2.5 billion weekly. I mention this not to debate the war but to point out that presidential p…

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:20 pm | Loading…

Don't let politics trump humanity

The health care debate raging around the country is most interesting since everyone seems to think our system needs an overhaul yet the often contentious atmosphere in meetings seems to line up along party lines.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

Libby's Stimson site revived

The Kootenai River Development Corp.'s efforts paid off for the residents of Libby with the recent announcement of a new industry that will create more than 200 jobs.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

Where's our raise?

José Manuel Zelaya, the glorious leader of Honduras, gave his workers a 60 percent pay raise.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:15 pm | Loading…

End of life care still in Missoula

Thank you for printing the Associated Press article on Aug. 2 about music thanatology, the end of life field that uses harp and voice to comfort the dying.

Aug 14, 2009 | 3:10 pm | Loading…

Care hysteria scaring wits out of wisest

So many Americans believe only the people who scare them. So a thoughtful debate over health care reform has devolved into scenes of screaming protests by mostly red-faced senior citizens looking frightened and enraged. Their terror is stoked by cynical political operatives who know that …

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:55 am | Loading…

Turn over land to state, cut taxes

Here is a substantial way to lower our property taxes, possibly by as much as 60 percent.

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:50 am | Loading…

Tester bill likely to devastate Yaak grizzlies

The article, "Seeds of wilderness bill rooted in Timber Wars" (Missoulian, Aug. 3) tells only part of the story and blatantly ignores the enormous negative impacts of Sen. Jon Tester's Jobs and Recreation bill.

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:50 am | Loading…

Fund reform with Net poker tax

As Sen. Max Baucus and President Obama spend their break from Washington, D.C., negotiations here in Montana promoting the massive, expensive and controversial health care reform proposal, they are likely to be bombarded with this question: How will we pay for it? Health care, among other…

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:50 am | Loading…

Medicare works just fine

What if pharmaceutical companies were not allowed to advertise? Do you think it would lower the price of prescription drugs? The United States is only one of two countries in the world where pharmaceutical companies are able to. The other is New Zealand. Who knows why they still do?

Aug 14, 2009 | 8:45 am | Loading…

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