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February 2004

MAR 16, 2004 10:20 PM

i work in a coffee shop
the below story is true...and 99% of dialogue is verbatim.
so im at work and im reading the onion and this 45ish year old man comes up to me and goes "did someone die in your bathroom?" i reply "i hope not." and continue reading an article about jesus gaining creative control over his next movie. i hear him mutter more and i take the initiative and say "the womans bathroom is empty sir. so if you want you can use that if you lift the seat up."(i swear to god i said that).
a minute passes and im jarred by a loud band...its the guy banging on the door to the bathroom and yelling for the other guy to come out. everyone in the store...two workers and about ten customers are staring at him and i say "was that necessary?" his response:"someones been in there for five FUCKIN minutes man, what the hell!" incredulous"well its a free country" "IM A PAYING CUSTOMER!" "so is he." finally this 20 somethin guy comes out lookin all frightened and embarassed...i think he was on a date and i felt bad so whatever...
he comes out of the bathroom in like 25 seconds, which means to me that he must not have had that much backed up AND he didnt wash his hands. when he comes out i go "that wasnt a very nice thing to do sir" and he goes "well what am i supposed to do, DUDE?!" i reminded him about the womans bathroom idea and his reply to that is "DONT TELL ME TO SETTLE DOWN, MAN!" he gave me a response to something i never said. then he goes off saying fuck this fuck that and i politley say "can you not use those words in the store sir." he bitches more and my final retort to him is this "honestly sir , was all of this necessary?" he walks out the door and utters "punk."
why do people have to be like this...especially "adults" i forget to mention his wife was standing outside the whole time looking thru the window agape at what was going on. after that all the customers laughed and made fun of him and people said i did good and gave me $5! its cool that a blatant asshole can bring solidarity amongst a group of strangers.
either way i felt totally elated cuz its always the best to kill those motherfucker with kindness



Placentia, CA
June 2003

MAR 16, 2004 10:39 PM

"The customer is always an ASSHOLE!"



Courtenay, BC
September 2003

MAR 16, 2004 11:02 PM

lol....its good you were smart about it I like making the asshole look more like an ass by being calm and witty instead if defensive



I'm lost
February 2004

MAR 16, 2004 11:10 PM

I used to work for a 30 min photo, inside of a sav-on, worst job ever, customers always yelled, WHY AREN'T MY PHOTOS DONE, one guy threatened to kill me, and then one day I told off a customer, and walk out the store and never came back




Las Vegas, NV

MAR 16, 2004 11:15 PM

jj987666 said:
i work in a coffee shop

i work in a coffee shop, as well. We have the same assholes come in, and make a fuss about the bathrooms, the line, and the length of time it takes to make their 2 equal, soy, non-fat, extra-pump of vanilla lattes @ 140*.



I'm lost
February 2004

MAR 16, 2004 11:20 PM

verloren said:

jj987666 said:
i work in a coffee shop

i work in a coffee shop, as well. We have the same assholes come in, and make a fuss about the bathrooms, the line, and the length of time it takes to make their 2 equal, soy, non-fat, extra-pump of vanilla lattes @ 140*.

why does this remind me of fight club?



Fredericksburg, VA
February 2004

MAR 16, 2004 11:21 PM

I worked at a bookstore and I swear to god people get the most pissed when they're the ones that are idiots. Like the time I had to explain what alphabetical meant and the chick was like, "I knew that, what, you think I'm stupid?" And I'm like, lady, you ASKED me what alphabetical was you stupid cunt!

Working in a coffee shop is the worst though. Those assholes can't tell the difference between a double espresso shot and a triple...or whether or not I use decaf or not...or skim, soy, whole, half n half, cream...gah. Just order coffee, this is America, you're not that cultured.



San Antonio, TX
January 2004

MAR 16, 2004 11:31 PM

u know wut place always has ass whole customers!? THE GROCERY STORE and it seems like its only when im working too... seriously and i always get the pissy ones in my line. damn fuckers....

they always ruin my day too!




Bakersfield, CA

MAR 16, 2004 11:45 PM

i worked in a deli. every single sunday this guy would come in, order the exact same thing, make us make it, and then yell at us and throw it at us cuz we're overcharging him. we'd tell him how much it costs before we made it, but he'd do it anyway.




Bakersfield, CA

MAR 16, 2004 11:47 PM

Blessing said:
I worked at a bookstore and I swear to god people get the most pissed when they're the ones that are idiots. Like the time I had to explain what alphabetical meant and the chick was like, "I knew that, what, you think I'm stupid?" And I'm like, lady, you ASKED me what alphabetical was you stupid cunt!

Working in a coffee shop is the worst though. Those assholes can't tell the difference between a double espresso shot and a triple...or whether or not I use decaf or not...or skim, soy, whole, half n half, cream...gah. Just order coffee, this is America, you're not that cultured.

while imostly agree with that i can tell when i've caffine. it's something that i avoid cuz it fucks me up too much. and some people are lactose intolerant, they need the soy. it's not always abotu being cultured



May 2003

MAR 16, 2004 11:49 PM

Passive agressive ones are the worst. Instead of getting you mad quick and get happy quick when they leave.. you just want to punch a wall all day.




California, USA

MAR 16, 2004 11:50 PM



February 2004

MAR 16, 2004 11:52 PM

while imostly agree with that i can tell when i've caffine. it's something that i avoid cuz it fucks me up too much. and some people are lactose intolerant, they need the soy. it's not always abotu being cultured

no, its just the 45 year old women who order it just because...and then they make US put the sugar in "so it dissolves better" they cant put in themselves and use a stir stick....then they say soy foams too much...well thats jsut the way it is ...your holding up the line i hate you mad wink blackeyed kiss



Philadelphia, PA
January 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:01 AM

You think you have it bad? I worked in a comic book store while Pokemon cards were on full tilt. Holy shit, what a nightmare.




Savannah, GA
September 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:04 AM

I work in a video store so I get stupid people of all types.

General dumb questions.
"You rent movies here?" Well sir, this is a video rental stores so the chances are pretty good that we do.
"What does Previously Viewed mean?" Take a wild guess.
I also like the people who take all of two steps into the store then ask "Where's your movies for sell?" All over m'man. Take a look around. You can't go two feet wihout seeing a huge-ass stand of moives for sell. OH, all of which have the price clearly marked, which should eliminate the other common questin of "How much is this?"

People are just generally rude and argumintative at video stores I think. Especially on the phone. I get hung up on so much you wouldn't believe it.



Baltimore, MD
May 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:32 AM

The great thing about being a the BAT. Every bar has a BAT behind it. Don't believe me? Try fucking with a bartender during Happy Hour when there's no bouncer around.

Don't mess with the man with the BAT.



Fredericksburg, VA
February 2004

MAR 17, 2004 12:34 AM

jj987666 said:

while imostly agree with that i can tell when i've caffine. it's something that i avoid cuz it fucks me up too much. and some people are lactose intolerant, they need the soy. it's not always abotu being cultured

no, its just the 45 year old women who order it just because...and then they make US put the sugar in "so it dissolves better" they cant put in themselves and use a stir stick....then they say soy foams too much...well thats jsut the way it is ...your holding up the line i hate you mad wink blackeyed kiss

Yeah those are the ones. I don't mind doing those things for people who really know what they're talking about, especially for health reasons (like not drinking caffine or milk.) But when people just want to sound like they know their shit, that's when it's annoying and a waste of my time.



Tempe, AZ
December 2003

MAR 17, 2004 01:43 AM

Anyone have or know of any jobs where you don't have to deal with anyone?

I want to work at one of those stands in the middle of the mall. One that no one stops at and you see the person working there sitting and reading a book. wink



Saint Paul, MN
December 2002

MAR 17, 2004 11:49 AM

waxangel said:
The great thing about being a the BAT. Every bar has a BAT behind it. Don't believe me? Try fucking with a bartender during Happy Hour when there's no bouncer around.

Don't mess with the man with the BAT.

we've got a bat, i taped a fortune cookie fortune to it. it says 'when the ends are lawful the means are also lawful.'

blackeyed smile



Folsom, CA
January 2004

MAR 17, 2004 11:53 AM

circle k has its share of rich asshole customers. plus these dicks walk in with wads of cash as big as a fist with hunderds and where im from you beat the hell outta the person and take it.



Richmond, VA
May 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:04 PM

Not too long ago, a fella who is a regular at the convenience store where I work came in, fish-eyed drunk, and knocked a 2 liter bottle of pepsi on the floor whilst stumbling towards the beer cooler.
When I went to pick up said 2-liter bottle, he accused me of throwing it at him! He then proceeded to state that he was going "to fuck me up". And proceeded to mumble about not fucking with people who've been in the penitentiary, 'cause they're hard and they'll "fuck you up".
After about the 10th "Sir, you need to leave the store", he did leave peacefully. Thankfully.
My coworker was laughing after he left. "Dude, I thought you were gonna go over the counter and kill that guy! You were staring him down, HARD!"
Maybe I was. But like jj987666, I kept my cool. Good job man.
Next day he was back in, buying beer, friendly as can be, NO CLUE as to what he had done the day before.
Ah well. Drunks will be drunks.

[Edited on Mar 17, 2004 by GibblesTheChimp]



Killeen, TX
January 2004

MAR 17, 2004 12:27 PM

sixsixtysix said:
circle k has its share of rich asshole customers. plus these dicks walk in with wads of cash as big as a fist with hunderds and where im from you beat the hell outta the person and take it.

haha, i work at circle k and it's horrible...people get pissed cause our gas is prepay only so they throw their credit cards at me and cuss me out and i just smile and say have a nice day smile then of course there are the stupid customers and the lotto junkies and the habitual smokers and way too many construction guys who enjoy hitting on me and i just want to tell them "fuck off, i'm a lesbian" lmao, and let's not forget the wonderful co-workers biggrin i love my job mad



Las Vegas, NV

MAR 17, 2004 12:29 PM

i am unsupervised & have no required interaction with people at my job--- which is great



Sandusky, OH
September 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:31 PM

jj987666 said:
either way i felt totally elated cuz its always the best to kill those motherfucker with kindness

Actually, I prefer using a chainsaw, myself. wink

waxangel said:
The great thing about being a the BAT. Every bar has a BAT behind it. Don't believe me? Try fucking with a bartender during Happy Hour when there's no bouncer around.

Don't mess with the man with the BAT.

The bar I used to work at didn't have a bat.

The doorman packed a .41 caliber revolver under his jacket as part of his uniform. It was almost as big as a bat...

Yes, horribly illegal, I know.



Saint Paul, MN
October 2003

MAR 17, 2004 12:46 PM

I work at Williams Sonoma, an "upscale" purveyor of all things culinary. We have an INSANELY LENIENT return policy. Basically, if you don't like something you bought from us for any reason, you can bring it back. 7 years later. Even without a receipt.
Needless to say, there are a lot of jerks who take full advantage of this. A while ago on a busy Saturday this crazy lady rushes in wielding a 10" non-stick frying pan. She's obviously ruined it with maltreatment, and has even neglected to wash it before coming in to return it. It was so fucking old that we didn't even carry the pan anymore! We had to give this woman a brand new $100 pan, even though she had ruined it herself AND we couldn't be sure that she'd even bought it from us.
People can be such assholes tongue



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