CALFED Bay-Delta Program heading
  • Governor Schwarzenegger
  • Mike Chrisman, Resources Secretary
  • Joe Grindstaff, CALFED Director

CALFED Bay-Delta Program Objectives

Water Quality

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Approximately two-thirds of all Californians – an estimated 25 million people – obtain at least some of their water from the Delta. This means the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the single largest source of California’s water. CALFED’s Water Quality Program is to invest in projects that improve the state’s water quality from source to tap.


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Resources of CALFED’s Levee System Integrity Program protect water supplies needed for ecosystems, cities, industry and farms by reducing the threat of levee failures that would lead to seawater intrusion. The program works through continuous monitoring and improvement of the Delta’s 1,100 miles of levees.

Water Supply

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CALFED’s Water Supply Reliability Program is comprised of five critical elements: Conveyance, Storage, Environmental Water Account, Water Use Efficiency and Water Transfer. Together and in partnership with local and regional agencies, this program allows for the increase of water supplies and more efficient and flexible use of water resources.

Ecosystem Restoration

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Ecosystem Restoration and Watershed Program Elements combine to improve the ecological health of the Bay-Delta watershed. Through CALFED implementing agencies, ERP works to restore and protect habitats, ecosystem functions and native species and the Watershed Program provides funding and offers technical support for local watershed activities.