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Virtual computer army takes on the botnets

10:00 09 August 2009

More than 1 million virtual computers are set to provide insight into how networks of infected computers wreak havoc on the internet

Dieting could lead to a positive test for cannabis

09:00 09 August 2009

Cannabis smokers beware: stress or dieting might trigger "reintoxication", resulting in a positive drug test long after you last used the drug

Review: Unscientific America by Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum

11:00 08 August 2009

Scientific illiteracy is a real problem in the US, but its roots run deeper than science itself

Fast-spinning black holes might reveal all

10:00 08 August 2009

If a black hole is spun by surrounding matter in just the right way, it could shed its event horizon, exposing a naked singularity



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