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  1. @badeen No, alas. And if you find it, please let me know.
  2. Good show.
  3. Band name idea: Canvas Wrist Straps.
  4. ““Stretching my liver.””
  5. @perdurabo Do you have a link for where it says the issue is fixed?
  6. Apparently Twitter's new terms of service include getting 17 emails from "Biz" Stone about Twitter's new terms of service.
  7. @boredzo Whoops. The man page lists Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.0 as supported, but only 2.5 and 2.6 ship with the system. Fixed, thanks.
  8. The star of "Man on Wire" isn't the French wirewalking asshole. It's the WTC.
  9. @drance Option-click for mini player.
  10. @jsnell Then just pick one other note app (Notespark?) to use for your restaurant notes. Certainly better than nothing until your ideal app.
  11. @jsnell Exactly! Lots of relatively short notes.
  12. @jsnell I disagree on the structured data. Quicker entry this way. One note per restaurant, whatever notes you want.
  13. Federer might as well have pantsed this guy:
  14. @jsnell I keep notes in Simplenote for stuff just like that.
  15. @Moltz He's going to be 12 eventually.
  16. I just ousted Amy G. as the mayor of my fucking couch.
  17. @drwave Freehand would probably get my vote as the greatest app that ever died.
  18. Great piece on Joe Wilson by Jim Ray:
  19. @benkimball I took the intercapped "MotoBlur" from It was their conference it was announced at. Love that you noticed.
  20. Nice edit to Joe Wilson's Wikipedia entry: