Tony Youens


Green Party member. Any views expressed here are entirely my own.

Joined March 2009


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  1. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    I hope our Government will condemn far-right retweets by Donald Trump. They are abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society.

  2. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    This is what has happened to wages in Britain since the crash. John McDonnell right to say it doesn't feel like a "strong economy" for most people

  3. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    We avoided tax which should have funded children's services, now we're telling you to give to charity to fill the gaps left by our greed.

    , , and 7 others
  4. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    It's a good slogan but doesn't stand up to scrutiny. The current national debt has largely been caused by the last two governments. The books were last in surplus under G Brown - four years running.

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  5. Nov 20

    Crime rates have fallen to zero and waiting time in A&E is just under 2 and a half minutes. 🤔

  6. Nov 20

    If you see any on the catwalk throw ink at them. @bookslivesmatter

  7. Nov 19

    Avoiding paying tax. They’re fucking us 7 days a week.

  8. Retweeted
    Nov 16

    The fact that Trump has lifted President Obama's ban on elephant trophies being imported into the country is a devastating blow to the survival of these beautiful animals. It's savage and pointless. It breaks my heart.

  9. Retweeted

    The benches opposite seem to find police station closures hilarious: the fact is that police cuts; closing A&E departments; longer ambulance response times; thousands less fire fighters and ditching health & safety legislation is putting us all at risk. No laughing matter.

  10. Retweeted

    Is it not remarkable that water (outside of Athens today) and fire (Grenfell Tower) seem to kill exclusively working class people? Are the elements... class warriors? Or is it perhaps more likely that our societies are more class-ridden than ever?

  11. Nov 13

    NATO on Russia’s border but somehow Russia is threatening us. Obviously not being able to control the news is a problem the Tories want to ‘solve’.

  12. Nov 13

    Theresa May doesn’t trust Russia (or is it just Putin?). I don’t trust the Tories (or is it just Theresa May?). I’d like to see examples of the photoshopped images and fake news she cites. Is this the start of the campaign to get rid of RTUKnews?

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 12

    How do Boris Johnson and now Michael Gove get away with throwing a British citizen under the bus like that? How little shame do they have?

  14. Nov 12

    Wait till hears about this latest attack on Yemen. This is going to make the headlines for sure. Yes Siree John Simpson is probably on his way now. UK government are gonna feel the heat on this one. Unless of course Gove makes headlines instead.

  15. Retweeted
    Nov 11

    want to support veterans !? 😏 stop sending us overseas to kill or be killed for your nationalist fairy tales 😉 we can do better 😎🌈💕

  16. Nov 12

    That would be BBC ‘mouthpieces’ surely.

  17. Nov 12
  18. Retweeted
    Nov 10

    Well that was interesting. Never been pushed over and dragged away by police while giving a speech before

  19. Nov 12

    Strictly Come Dancing 2017 - Week 8 Spoilers via

  20. Nov 6

    Over the weekend you could only contact Derbyshire F&R on 999. Any other warning or problems were actually transferred to our home phone.

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