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  1. One for US academic bloggers to comment on? RT @timeshighered Do academics make better bloggers than journalists?
  2. Guess what the exhibition about the history of Everton FC at Liverpool's Picton Library is called? EVERLUTION... get in there!
  3. @Eaterofsun Hah! Who would be the Meatloaf character with breasts, then??
  4. How is blogging evolving? A piece in the Atlantic argues that is becoming more professionalized, institutionalized
  5. A nice 10-step social media strategy checklist that applies as much to institutions as it does to companies
  6. RT @jayrosen_nyu New York Review of Books: Michael Massing sees hope, a new horizon, in the non-profit news-o-sphere
  7. I had lunch at Kings Place yesterday and there were several people there taped up for boxing. Does the Guardian have a secret fight club?
  8. @missippy @BavidBTwit @rugger_lav Thanks very much fior RT'ing @mocost's tweet about nerve signalling production!
  9. A must-read RT @Scobleizer: What I'm learning from Twitter:
  10. @mocost Heh! that line has potential, that's for sure!
  11. @mocost @grahamfarmelo @jankoch @david_colquhoun Thanks for the RTs and comments about this , much appreciated!
  12. RT @nickbilton: "Keep f**ing that chicken!" Fox News anchor drops F-bomb. Co-host's face priceless (via@patkiernan)
  13. @david_colquhoun: @mocost Apols... hopefully this page in the production has a better ion channel balance!
  14. @mocost Cheers, yes the cab ride was steep! This page might answer your q about # neuroscientist Nobels (scroll down)
  15. RT me @The_MediaBlog The 2010 YouTube election has just begun
  16. Oh. My. Word. Evil Dead: the musical All told with toe-tapping songs and energetic dancing, apparently.
  17. @mocost Chomping at the bit for it are you?!? Here's the link, great to see you last night, hope you got back OK
  18. @Roobina Is that the first born?? What's his name???
  19. “It’s only the website”...still?! RT @journalismnews: Headlines and Deadlines: Phrases that should be banned in newsroom
  20. RT @channel4news: It's 50 years this week since the album Kind of Blue was released. Interview with drummer Jimmy Cobb: