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  1. Richard Dawkins speaking on libel reform at Lib Dem conference later today - more at (Sunday Times) &
  2. Going to Bournemouth LIb Dem fringe meeting on libel with Ben Goldacre, Nick Cohen & Evan Harris (1pm all welcome) -
  3. 6.15pm at University of Surrey Science Festival. I will be at the x-change in the Chancellor Bar (also Jim Al-Kalili and Frank Close)
  4. Chairing a session at today's festival: "Supplements - the good, the bad and the phoney". at 4pm
  5. RT robinince: 1st names for Godless Xmas shows 15 - 19/12 Josie Long, Robyn Hitchcock, Richard Herring, Ben Goldacre, C Addison, S Singh
  6. I had dinner with the world's greatest origami master, Robert Lang - his mind-blowing TED lecture is at
  7. If you want to find out what I said at last night's British Science Festival lecture then here it is
  8. Preparing for my talk about Stupid Equations at Surrey Uni tonight - - lecture at 6pm, but reception starts at 5pm
  9. If you can't make it to the British Science Festival then download the computer/magic book (as used by astronauts!) at
  10. Going to British Science Festival (Surrey) - first session is Magic & Computer Science (for families)