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Instant Expert: HIV and AIDS

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What should we make of the HIV vaccine 'triumph'?

16:07 24 September 2009  | 32 comments

At last, a clinical trial of an HIV vaccine has worked – sort of. New Scientist takes a look at what this means for the worldwide fight against AIDS

Discovery of HIV's weak spot boosts vaccine quest

19:32 03 September 2009  | 14 comments

Antibodies that bind to a hitherto unknown weak spot on HIV have been found, reviving hopes that a potent vaccine is within reach

Gel condom to empower women

17:57 11 August 2009  | 35 comments

Vaginal gel physically captures semen, stopping both HIV and pregnancy

Gorilla HIV makes leap to humans

18:00 02 August 2009  | 23 comments

A French woman in Africa has been infected with a new strain of HIV virus similar to those found in wild gorillas

Brain cells have natural resistance to HIV

14:02 28 July 2009  | 12 comments

Neurons produce a protein that appears to lock out the virus, raising the possibility of new treatments against the disease



Safer sex in a pill

It's a risky strategy, but with an AIDS vaccine further off than ever, a pill that could stop people catching the virus has to be worth a try


Fears over HIV vaccines laid to rest

19:34 24 July 2009  | 8 comments

Concerns that HIV vaccines may actually increase the likelihood of infection have largely been laid to rest – possibly reviving the search for a vaccine

Chimps can develop AIDS after all

18:00 22 July 2009  | 8 comments

Chimpanzees infected with SIV, the virus that jumped from chimps to humans as HIV-1, can end up with a deadly AIDS-like illness

Five myths about HIV and AIDS

15:50 23 June 2009  | 57 comments

Despite the overwhelming evidence that HIV causes AIDS, a hardcore group still denies it. We explore five of the most common myths about AIDS

AIDS denial: A lethal delusion

15:20 22 June 2009  | 311 comments

Some people refuse to believe that HIV causes AIDS, despite all the evidence that it does – and their conspiracy theory is costing thousands of lives

Sexual diseases 'rampant' in Californian porn industry

17:33 16 June 2009  | 47 comments

Following the revelation that a female performer has tested positive for HIV, experts have called for the Californian porn industry to do more to care for workers' health


Facts and Figures: HIV and AIDS

The statistics about AIDS and its impact on human life are staggering - delve into them with our online briefing


Timeline: HIV and AIDS

The story of AIDS begins in the 1930s in Africa. Follow its history with our timeline



Beating the odds

Rare individuals who somehow manage to defeat the virus unaided are providing crucial leads in the hunt for new treatments and vaccines



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