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Best of the Ig Nobel prizes 2009

00:31 02 October 2009

The physics of tottering moms-to-be, how to survive a pub fight, and a bra that doubles as a gas mask get the recognition they so richly deserve

Sports jocks are oh-so predictable

20:09 01 October 2009

According to game theory, professional baseball pitchers and American football players do not keep their opponents guessing enough

Asteroid-hunting telescope in the repair shop

18:33 01 October 2009

A mirror on the first of the Pan-STARRS scopes meant to spot dangerous asteroids and comets is being taken down today to fix image quality problems

Today on New Scientist: 1 October 2009

18:00 01 October 2009

Today's stories on, at a glance, including: the human ancestor who walked tall, why sedatives might not help people recover from trauma, and some airborne giants



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