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Quantum World


Instant Expert: Quantum World

Quantum physics is mind-bending, but it is also one of the most successful scientific theories ever put forward. Get to grips with a weird world with our beginner's guide


Photon 'machine gun' could power quantum computers

10:09 25 September 2009  | 26 comments

A "quantum dot" device that spews out a string of entangled photons is set to revolutionise optical quantum computing

Quantum computers are coming – just don't ask when

11:18 21 September 2009  | 29 comments

A few years ago it seemed that quantum computing was about to be unleashed on the world. What happened?

Could we create quantum creatures in the lab?

19:39 15 September 2009  | 54 comments

Making living things act like quantum objects could become a reality with a new idea for trapping small objects

Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers

18:00 09 September 2009  | 53 comments

Particles approaching a black hole event horizon collide at energies way beyond those of accelerators on Earth, and could reveal new physics

Code-breaking quantum algorithm run on a silicon chip

12:58 04 September 2009  | 36 comments

A quantum method for cracking a common form of online security has been demonstrated in a quantum circuit printed onto a chip under 3 centimetres long

Moon dust not as strange as hoped

10:25 02 September 2009  | 34 comments

An oddly heavy kind of matter detected aboard a space shuttle in 1998 has not turned up in lunar soil brought back by an Apollo mission

Tevatron tightens up the race for the Higgs

09:00 31 August 2009  | 55 comments

With the Large Hadron Collider yet to restart, the less powerful – but working – Tevatron is piling up data and could find the Higgs boson first

Quantum amnesia gives time its arrow

00:00 26 August 2009  | 105 comments

Time seems to go only one way, but this might be because quantum mechanics destroys evidence to the contrary

Late light reveals what space is made of

18:00 12 August 2009  | 102 comments

"Quantum foam" – grainy bumps in the fabric of space-time – might explain why light from a distant galaxy arrived four minutes later than expected, offering clues about the real nature of gravity

Ditching binary will make quantum computers more powerful

16:42 10 August 2009  | 36 comments

The dream of quantum computing could be realised by handling data broken into five basic states, not just ones and zeros



Four radical routes to a theory of everything

Four radical routes to a theory of everything

Want an ultimate theory of the universe? There's no shortage of weird and wonderful ideas, as Amanda Gefter discovers


It is one of the most famous ideas in modern physics, but string theory is also strange and difficult to understand. Our guide should help you get started


A matter-antimatter annihilation due to an atom of antihydrogen in the ATHENA experiment at CERN. The antiproton produces four charged pions (yellow), whose positions are given by silicon microstrips (pink) before depositing energy in CsI crystals (yellow cubes). The positron also annihilates to produce back-to-back gamma rays (red) (Image: CERN)

The five greatest mysteries of antimatter Movie Camera

Does antimatter fall up? How do you make it – and could it be used to make a bomb? Find out the answers to these questions and more in our special feature


Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers

18:00 09 September 2009  | 53 comments

Particles approaching a black hole event horizon collide at energies way beyond those of accelerators on Earth, and could reveal new physics

According to one interpretation of quantum mechanics, machine intelligences could avoid future disasters by resetting their memories (Image: Michael Cogliantry / Photonica / Getty)

Avoid a future cataclysm: Forget the past

Intelligent machines could avoid disasters by resetting their memories and jumping into a parallel universe, according to one interpretation of quantum mechanics



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