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Review: Fireflies, Honey, and Silk by Gilbert Waldbauer

  • Book information
  • Fireflies, Honey, and Silk by Gilbert Waldbauer
  • Published by: University of California Press
  • Price: $25.95/£17.95

EAT them, wear them, write with them. Entomologist Gilbert Waldbauer's wonderful meander through the world of insects is an unexpected delight. The series of stories in Fireflies, Honey, and Silk is the sort of idiosyncratic stream of consciousness that shouldn't work. But it does, and it flows with ease as his obvious love for, and obsession with, all things insect cascades from the page.

Whether it is the fortunes made and lost in the dyeing industry, the delicate skill of fly-fishing, firefly jewellery, cricket companions or the medicinal capacities of honey or maggots, Waldbauer's passion makes this the perfect cure for all those who harbour deep-seated anxieties about the creeping, crawling, six-legged masters of the planet. Reading this book is like sitting at the feet of a favourite uncle on a winter evening beside a crackling fire - I wish he had been one of my lecturers when I was a student.

Issue 2728 of New Scientist magazine
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I Remember Those Crackling Fires

Mon Oct 05 03:37:36 BST 2009 by Ian Gilbert

"like sitting at the feet of a favourite uncle on a winter evening beside a crackling fire" in the mountain lodge with spiders, roaches, and god-knows-what crawling up your legs.

I Remember Those Crackling Fires

Mon Oct 05 03:46:51 BST 2009 by Liza

Not likely. Cockroaches do not live where temperatures regularly drop below zero. You could not have been very high up in the mountains

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