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Exomoons and blazing wildfires: the week in space

00:56 05 September 2009

This week, a huge piece of space junk flew past the International Space Station and a California fire threatened an observatory once used by Edwin Hubble

Today on New Scientist: 4 September 2009

18:00 04 September 2009

Today's stories on, at a glance – including bad news for meat-eaters, the coolest microgravity research, and extreme Velcro

California encourages buildings that are sure to burn

18:00 04 September 2009

Insurance guarantees in state law encourage homeowners to build in brushy chaparral canyons where massive wildfires are inevitable

World's climate could cool first, warm later

17:56 04 September 2009

Natural variations in ocean currents could mean we're in for a cool spell before warming from the greenhouse effect takes over



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