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US National Issues


A new deal for the White House

(Image: Shari Weisberg / WPA Poster Collection / Library of Congress)

We seem to be facing Depression-like times. So what can Barack Obama learn from the way that era's presidents behaved toward science?


Revealed: how Congress members sound off about science

14:23 10 September 2009

A search engine reveals the US politicians who talk the most about science and technology – and the ones who talk most meaningfully

California encourages buildings that are sure to burn

18:00 04 September 2009  | 30 comments

Insurance guarantees in state law encourage homeowners to build in brushy chaparral canyons where massive wildfires are inevitable

Healthcare revamp won't cure America

18:05 28 August 2009  | 47 comments

Even if healthcare reformers succeed in extending coverage to more people, the unhealthy lifestyles of US citizens will keep them sicker than Europeans

Wanted: Interrogation that works and isn't torture

In Baghdad, a boy stares at a wall painting of the well-known photograph of an abused Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison (Image: Sabah Arar / Rex Features)

17:10 28 August 2009  | 75 comments

The US government wants scientists to reveal the best way to get information out of prisoners without torturing them – but is there anything to tell?

US national parks face 'greatest threat', Senate told

16:28 26 August 2009  | 24 comments

Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources told that state parks are likely to be changed radically by global warming

Small businesses defraud NASA

UPFRONT:  10:12 21 August 2009  | 9 comments

Firms in research-grant scheme get money from different US government departments for doing the same work

Rude awakening for NASA's human space-flight dream

THIS WEEK:  12:58 20 August 2009  | 110 comments

A high-level review panel is set to warn President Obama that the space agency can't afford its plans to send people back to the moon

Tough times call for taller presidents

UPFRONT:  14:28 18 August 2009  | 8 comments

The US votes for taller and more square-jawed leaders when economic times are hard

North America puts carbon on the map

UPFRONT:  10:36 17 August 2009  | 9 comments

US, Canada and Mexico agree to map their biggest emitters and best spots for carbon capture and storage

Review: Unscientific America by Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum

BOOKS & ARTS:  11:00 08 August 2009  | 92 comments

Scientific illiteracy is a real problem in the US, but its roots run deeper than science itself



America's abortion scandal

America's abortion scandal

When it comes to abortion and contraception in the US, beware insidious governmental pressures on doctors and researchers, warns Pratima Gupta


No southern comfort as life expectancy falls

Average US life expectancy continues to rise, but some groups in the south have seen their lifespans cut by preventable diseases


Obama promises new era of scientific innovation

The president-elect has pledged a sea change in US policy on the biggest issues of our time - so what will this mean for science?


Is the Exxon Valdez spill site finally clean?

Nearly 20 years on from the devastating spill, scientists funded by Exxon say that the Alaskan sound contains only small patches of degraded oil that pose little risk to wildlife



Instant Expert: US National Issues

What are some of the biggest science and technology questions confronting America? Start finding out with this beginner's guide to the key issues


16% of US science teachers are creationists

A survey reveals that a significant minority of US science teachers believe that human beings were created by God within the last 10,000 years



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