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The year's best wildlife photos

The winners of the 2009 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition have been announced.

The best photographs from the competition are on show at the Natural History Museum, London, from tomorrow.

See: A gallery of our favourites

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Thu Oct 22 20:48:41 BST 2009 by Byron

I did hope to see the winners when looking at the "A gallery of our favourites" link. I did and was happy for it, but it shouldn't be called "our favourites" it should be called "winners"

- I'm sure this seems like a nitpicky comment.

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Wildlife on show (Image: José Luis Rodríguez/Veolia Environnement Photographer of the Year 2009)

Wildlife on show (Image: José Luis Rodríguez/Veolia Environnement Photographer of the Year 2009)


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