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$500,000 treasure dug up in lunar soil

14:57 19 October 2009  | 7 comments

For the first time a robot labourer has dug enough simulated lunar soil to win NASA's annual prize

To spot an alien, follow the pollution trail

THIS WEEK:  08:00 19 October 2009  | 53 comments

Light pollution and artificial chemicals in the atmosphere could reveal the existence of alien life on distant planets

Elusive lunar plume caught on camera after all

17:44 17 October 2009  | 43 comments

A spacecraft trailing behind NASA's LCROSS impactor did manage to snap photos of a faint plume of ejected material – researchers are searching the data for signs of water

The moon belongs to no one – yet

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  14:37 16 October 2009  | 72 comments

No law governs the ownership of lunar territory. Will we see the same scramble for territory that carved up Antarctica, asks William Cullerne Brown

Was moon-smashing mission doomed from the start?

18:55 15 October 2009  | 46 comments

Weeks before NASA's LCROSS mission hit the moon on Friday, some scientists predicted the impact might not be visible, and others questioned the mission's logic

What shook up Saturn's rings in 1984?

THIS WEEK:  18:00 14 October 2009  | 49 comments

Something disrupted the rings 25 years ago, creating a pattern like the grooves on a vinyl record – and the mystery is only getting deeper

First black hole for light created on Earth

17:13 14 October 2009  | 102 comments

An electromagnetic black hole has been built in a lab – and may one day be adapted to generate limitless solar energy even on a cloudy day

Astronomers clash with US air force over laser rules

22:29 13 October 2009  | 36 comments

Lasers pointed at the sky help focus telescopes, but the air force is concerned they could blind Earth-observing satellites

Asteroid isn't just a dry heap of rubble

19:53 12 October 2009  | 28 comments

Two teams have found evidence of water ice on the asteroid 24 Themis – the find suggests asteroids could have delivered some water to the early Earth

Virgin Galactic adds satellite launches to space tourism

16:46 12 October 2009  | 7 comments

Flight tests confirm that Virgin's launch craft WhiteKnightTwo could carry satellites as well as tourists

Hunting for water on the moon: a brief but splashy history

(Image: ISRO/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Brown University/USGS)

10:29 12 October 2009  | 4 comments

NASA's LCROSS mission is the latest in a series of attempts to divine water on the moon – some have hinted that our nearest neighbour may be something of a watery oasis, while others suggest that view is just a mirage

NASA puzzles over 'invisible' moon impact

Nothing to see here. The impact was due to occur to the left of the large crater shown in this image, but there was curiously little to see (Image: NASA)

13:42 09 October 2009  | 120 comments

A NASA spacecraft has created a pair of craters on the lunar surface – but so far no plume of ejected material has been seen

Big bang flashgun to snap atomic anatomy

THIS WEEK:  13:34 09 October 2009  | 13 comments

A plasma soup that dominated the early universe could create flashes brief enough to take snapshots of the inside of atomic nuclei

'Deep space' mission is frontrunner in NASA review

23:13 08 October 2009  | 60 comments

A proposal to send astronauts to visit asteroids and orbit Mars gets top marks in preliminary ratings by the White House panel reviewing NASA's future

Fresh impact risks for asteroid 'poster child'

13:11 08 October 2009  | 30 comments

The chance that the 250-metre-wide asteroid Apophis may hit Earth has been lowered again, but a close approach is now predicted in 2068

Blasted into space from a giant air gun

13:26 07 October 2009  | 67 comments

A gigantic gun could launch cargo into space more cheaply than conventional rockets

Largest ring in solar system found around Saturn

22:20 06 October 2009  | 15 comments

A dusty ring has been found around Saturn that dwarfs all others discovered to date – its particles are likely the detritus of collisions involving the moon Phoebe

Phantom storms: How our weather leaks into space Movie Camera

FEATURE:  11:17 06 October 2009  | 8 comments

The solar wind has died to a ghost of a breeze, so what's stirring up our satellites? A global study suggests it could be Earth's own atmosphere

Rocket company tests world's most powerful ion engine

21:54 05 October 2009  | 92 comments

For the first time, a plasma engine that could be used to boost the space station's orbit has been fired at full power

White House to host star party

19:56 05 October 2009  | 1 comment

On Wednesday, amateur astronomers will set up more than 20 telescopes to observe the skies from the White House lawn

Why the universe may be teeming with aliens

Even a desert planet might maintain enough liquid water to sustain life (Image: Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Lonely Planet/Getty)

Hunting for a planet that can support life? There's more to it than looking for Earth's distant twin, says David Shiga

'Interplanetary internet' passes first test

NASA successfully tested an internet-like protocol for space, which could some day automate communication with craft and bases beyond Earth's orbit (Illustration: NASA/JPL)

Images were sent between a NASA probe and Earth in the first test of an internet-like data transmission system for space


The most extreme life-forms in the universe

These creatures set records for surviving in the most inhospitable environments on Earth - their existence bodes well for finding extraterrestrial life


Moving the Earth: a planetary survival guide

The Sun is slowly heating up, and in a billion years the oceans will begin to evaporate - moving the Earth is our only hope for survival


Lunar plumes and Martian dunes: the week in space

This week, astronomers spotted a faint plume of material lofted above the moon by the impact of NASA's LCROSS mission and strange shapes created by the Martian wind

The full-wave simulation result when light is incident to the black hole (Image:  Qiang Cheng and Tie Jun Cui)

First black hole for light created on Earth

An electromagnetic black hole has been built in a lab – one day it may be adapted to generate limitless solar energy, even on a cloudy day


Ready to travel? (Image: Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty)

How far could you travel in a spaceship?

An astronaut could reach the edge of the cosmos and return – as long as they know when to slam on the brakes


Exoplanet haul delights astronomers, disappoints reporters

19:20 19 October 2009

A large haul of new exoplanets revealed today bumps up the known number of alien worlds to more than 400 - but the first alien Earth is still to come

Why NASA barred women astronauts

15:54 08 October 2009

A new study reports that a small group of female pilots passed astronaut physiology tests with flying colours 50 years ago – Henry Spencer explains why NASA didn't consider them for space flights

Collecting rocks and bringing them back for analysis has told us about the cosmos, not just the moon (Image: Nasa)

It's the solar system, stupid

Rocks brought home by Apollo astronauts revolutionised our thinking about Earth and its peers, says Dana Mackenzie



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