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The World Doesn't Owe Me A Living

Mon Nov 09 20:36:47 GMT 2009 by Nickernacker


I saw this post comming the moment I read the article's title. Yet another undereducated anonymous American read Atlas Shrugged and is now an expert on everything. Science? All about profit. Human History? All about profit.

It's sad that in these people's minds, doing anything that does not turn a quick profit is 'socialism' and is a terrible boogeyman waiting to destroy us all, despite the success of Eurpoean open-democracy socialism which is starting to eat our lunch. Look at any Scandinavian nation - they are healthier, fitter, happier, more free AND more economically competetive than the good-ole hyper-capitalistic USA that has turned inefficiency, waste and profit into a religion.

Nothing is apparently worthwhile unless it is making some captain of industry enough cash to buy a new yacht.

Truth be told, our forefathers and leaders during our 20th century golden age knew the best system is a blend of socialism and capitalism to allow the benefits of competition and innovation while safeguarding the people from the mindless and soulless greed that would build a new form of medieval tyranny on a mountain of dollars and the backs of the people.

If you were to put down your Self-Serving-Capitalist-Propaganda-Ayn-Rand-Bible (it's true, look up Ayn Rand's motivations in an actual history book), and read "The Wealth of Nations" you would discover capitalism works because of competition. Destroying competition through deregulation which legalizes monopolies is the opposite of the free market Adam Smith envisioned. Using the government to protect 'capitalists' from losses by way of stealing tax dollars from the American people is in no way, shape or form a free market. Our functional capitalist society with its free market is no more, now we live in a Plutocracy where the only motivation of business and government is providing as few goods and services as possible in exchange for stealing the money of the largest portion of the population as possible and gifting it to the people who need it the least. This dysfunctional theft-state is hardly a good model for any kind of progress, let alone science.

Would you rather have a cure for drug resistant TB or Malaria, or would you rather see a more profitable erectile dysfunction drug whose sole purpose is a new patent and billions in profit?

Our system is designed to make the wrong decisions when faced with any decision between human wellbeing and profit.

You people keep crying and whining like we are some nation that spends money protecting and caring for the working people at the expense of the wealthy! We've been doing preciesly the opposite for decades now. America is at the pinnacle of deregulation and wealth concentration now, and as a nation we are at an historic low point by nearly any measurement immaginable outside of corporate profit and stock prices (and even those are down). SHOCKER - you can't spend decades trying to destroy the livelyhoods of your customer base and expect to sell product. Your corporate-pimped half-ideology has now been tested and it has failed. Wake up and smell the suffering.


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