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Novel Theory

Mon Nov 09 19:07:46 GMT 2009 by sciencebod

As you say, a real perfectionist, Kathy, - putting one in mind of Tolkien with the background of solid scholarship - which inevitably attracts the revisionists! From wiki:

"Jean Auel's books have been commended for their anthropological authenticity and their ethnobotanical accuracy. However, recent archaeological research may suggest that some prehistorical details in the series are inaccurate and others fictional, and that specifications of prehistorical milestones are sometimes arbitrary and inconsistent. For example, the differences between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens may have been exaggerated or underestimated in the series; it has been found that Neanderthals had a hyoid bone and may thus have been capable of using vocal language and not as dependent on sign language as portrayed in the series (the existence of a Neanderthal hyoid bone wasn't confirmed until 1983, some years after the first book in the series was published)."

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