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Do mice with two mothers spell the end for men?

18:58 02 December 2009

If you believe some reports, the future of humanity is a race of genetically-engineered women who can reproduce without men. Read this before ditching your boyfriend/husband

Today on New Scientist: 2 December 2009

18:01 02 December 2009

Today's stories on, at a glance, including: how to scrape the Earth's barrel of oil dry, how our brains build social worlds, and why a split personality is good if you're a router

Computers top poll of modern discoveries

18:00 02 December 2009

The microprocessor has been voted the greatest innovation of the past 50 years. Rightly so, says Federico Faggin

Death of rare giant star sheds light on cosmic past

18:00 02 December 2009

One of the most massive stars known exploded in 2007, creating an unusual type of supernova that was likely common in the early universe



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