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Yes You Can

Wed Nov 11 00:52:07 GMT 2009 by Stephen Poole

Until Reagan came to power, americans had health and other cover. So there is no reason why it cannot work again now. Reagan and Thatcher were no financial gurus...

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Yes You Can

Wed Nov 11 04:32:52 GMT 2009 by Stuart

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The Spending Trend is Not Sustainable

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Failed Experiments

Wed Nov 11 04:54:17 GMT 2009 by Anasazi

Wherever the US has implemented the free market philosophy as preached by the late Milton Freidman and his desciples disaster for the populace has followed. Even at home. This another case of the money in the US not wanting to see too much of it helping those who

really need to be helped. Nobody should suffer or die due to lack of money. For that to happen in a country reportedly as wealthy as the US is obscene.

Failed Experiments

Wed Nov 11 07:19:45 GMT 2009 by Vendicar Decarian

"Nobody should suffer or die due to lack of money. For that to happen in a country reportedly as wealthy as the US is obscene." - Anasazi

The opposition universal health care is most strongly coming from the Christian Fundamentalist base in the U.S. Republican Party. This is the same core of christians who are often seen calling for the murder of doctors that perform abortions.

In fact, abortion is a key reason they have for opposing universal health care.

The plan as put forward by the Democrats has provision for some of the money paid into the public option to go to fund abortions that are deemed medically necessary.

This provision has been dishonestly discribed by the leader of the Republican party as a premium that every American would be forced to pay to provide abortion on demand to any American woman.

But as always, reality is vastly different than stated by the Conservatives.

I have never encountered a Conservative who wasn't a perpetual and congenital liar.

And that includes the leader of the U.S. Republican party.

Failed Experiments

Wed Nov 11 09:50:16 GMT 2009 by Anasazi

So true, good on ya. But what's the answer ?

Failed Experiments

Wed Nov 11 23:02:13 GMT 2009 by walter

I have a little different take on why so many oppose universal health care. I believe it originated with the puritans. They believed in the concept of predestination, that is a person's salvation is determined even before his or her birth. there were the chosen, and everybody else. The chosen were gifted with wealth. Been wealthy was evidence of been among god's chosen people. Been poor meant spiritual impurity. Puritans have gone, but their influence is felt today, even among secular concervatives such as Ayn Rand. To them morality is determined only by wealth. If you are poor then you are bad. There is very little effort, if any, in understanding the circumstances that create poverty. Therfore universal health care is seen as rewarding the unfit, the "sinners" who should instead die. Either you survive by becoming wealthy, or you die, that is how they define morality. Even among the posts presented here some reffer to those wihtout health insurance as "deadbeats". Letting the poor die is the moral thing to do. it is Social Darwinism. Very much like what Hitler had in mind, but rather than exterminating people on the basis of race they do so on their ability, or lack of, to compete in a free market system. Of course that ability is not earned, as they preach, but determined by our genes and environment. There is no such a thing as the "self made man", that is only a myth they tell themselves in order to fell better about the whole affair

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Get The Data

Wed Nov 11 17:18:56 GMT 2009 by Forlornehope

This discussion is like kids in the playground:

"The US has the best healthcare system in the World!"

"Oh no it hasn't!"

"Oh yes it has!"

How about we go and get the data. After all as the man said:

"Without data you are just another person with and opinion."

Two recent sets of data, one from the World Health Organisation and one from "The Commonwealth Fund" (that's not the erstwhile British Commonwealth by the way). Study and come to your own conclusions!

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