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There are approx. 338 results

1. Stellar theft sends guilty star into a spin

Astronomers have found the remnants of a star close to Regulus, one of the brightest in the sky, which could explain its odd pumpkin shape

Ken Croswell 14 July 2008

From magazine issue 2664 Labeled:   News Space

2. Milky Way keeps tight grip on its neighbour

The Large Magellanic Cloud is not breaking free of the Milky Way's cluster of galaxies after all, according to the latest measurements on our galaxy

Ken Croswell 16 August 2008

From magazine issue 2669 Labeled:   News Space

3. Science: The darkest galaxy cluster of all

A nearby cluster of galaxies in the constellation of Eridanus has a phenomenal amount of invisible, or 'dark', matter, says an American astronomer. If such

KEN CROSWELL 29 August 1992

From magazine issue 1836 Labeled:   Science

4. Backward star ain't from around here

The nearest neighbouring star to orbit the galaxy backwards appears to have come from a much brighter place

Ken Croswell 11 November 2009

Labeled:   News Space

5. The Galactic empire

Our Milky Way is more than just a huge spiral galaxy, it is also the centre of a vast empire that spans more than a million light-years and governs at

KEN CROSWELL 01 December 1990

From magazine issue 1745 Labeled:   Features

Graphic from this story

6. Milky Way may have a huge hidden neighbour

Patterns in the gas at the edge of our galaxy could signal a large, unseen satellite galaxy just next door

Ken Croswell 13 August 2009

From magazine issue 2721 Labeled:   News Space

7. Science: Supernova theory exploded by solitary white dwarfs

According to a popular astronomical theory, many supernovae occur when two white dwarf stars which are orbiting each other merge into a single star and

KEN CROSWELL 23 March 1991

From magazine issue 1761 Labeled:   Science

8. Science: Major galaxy cluster eluded astronomers

A large cluster of galaxies close to our Milky Way and exerting a strong pull on it has been completely overlooked, say astronomers from Britain, Japan,

KEN CROSWELL 10 April 1993

From magazine issue 1868 Labeled:   This Week

9. Forum: What's so special about the centre? - It is time for a little post-Copernican thinking

Ever since Copernicus removed the Earth from the centre of the Solar System, scientists - and astronomers in particular - have been rendering our place in

KEN CROSWELL 16 February 1991

From magazine issue 1756 Labeled:   Forum

10. Science: The end of the Universe as we know it?

The Universe could be more than twice as old as most astronomers believe and be destined to collapse in a 'big crunch' in 79 billion years. This is the

KEN CROSWELL 16 January 1993

From magazine issue 1856 Labeled:   Science

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