Jordanian and U.S. special forces greet each other after demonstrating their skills at the official inauguration of the U.S.-funded King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center in Amman, May 19, 2009. The center aims to be a regional base for urban warfare training. (Ali Jarekji/Reuters)

Jordan a key player in US security?

The bombing of a CIA base highlights country's importance to US intelligence gathering.

By Tom A. Peter — GlobalPost
Published: January 8, 2010 06:22 ET

AMMAN, Jordan — Days after a Jordanian intelligence official was killed in a suicide blast in Afghanistan alongside seven CIA operatives, details about the country’s relationship with the American intelligence service continue to emerge.

Jordanian Army Capt. Sharif Ali bin Zeid, a distant relative of Jordan’s King Abdullah II, had been managing a Jordanian informant...

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King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein

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Rock and a hard place

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Global Blogs:

فيديو: ردود فعل على قرار ربط المواقع...

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Jordan News

Jordan, bordered by Iraq, Israel and the West Bank, and Syria, is a significant player in Middle East politics. GlobalPost's Jordan news correspondent explores the issues affecting this important United States ally including its economy, influx of immigrants and lack of natural resources. Our intelligent, balanced Jordanian news coverage aims to engage readers and help them better understand this nation's politics, people and culture.

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