Last year, Iraqi importers paid $199 million for 313 million pounds of chicken wings, nuggets, giblets and the like from Brazil. (Bazuki Muhammad/Reuters)

Chickens: made in Brazil, sold in Iraq

Brazil's exports to Iraq have exploded in the last year and poultry is leading the charge.

By Seth Kugel - GlobalPost
Published: February 8, 2010 06:51 ET

SAO PAULO, Brazil — The Brazilians call it "frango" and the Iraqis call it "dajjaj," but more than ever before, they’re referring to the same chickens.

Brazil’s direct exports to Iraq have exploded from virtually nothing before the American occupation to $107 million in 2008 to $250 million last year. And poultry is leading the charge. Chicken and...

Recent on Brazil:

Manioc flour, served up with a song

Seth Kugel - Brazil - January 30, 2010 10:02 ET

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Special Report

Thomas Mucha - Commerce - January 28, 2010 17:24 ET

20 correspondents, 20 countries and a world of pain. Meet the ground truth of the global economic crisis.

Obama: In Brazil, an idol still

Seth Kugel - Brazil - January 19, 2010 19:45 ET

Afro-Brazilians still care more about Obama's symbolism than about particular policies.

Carnaval? Not in Sao Luiz do Paraitinga.

Seth Kugel - Brazil - January 9, 2010 11:20 ET

Residents adapt as town known for its charming colonial buildings and Carnaval finds itself underwater.

Why Sean Goldman is on a jet to the US

Seth Kugel - Brazil - December 25, 2009 10:56 ET

Analysis: The custody battle over Sean Goldman reflects the ups and downs of US-Brazil relations.

Sean Goldman on jet headed for the US

Seth Kugel - Brazil - December 24, 2009 10:34 ET

His departure came after a frenzied scene at the American Consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

Frenzy greets Sean Goldman's arrival

Seth Kugel - Brazil - December 24, 2009 09:26 ET

8 wacky holiday traditions

Laurie Cunningham - America and the World - December 23, 2009 08:32 ET

Americans aren't the only ones whose traditions are a cause for raised eyebrows.

Guerrillas take to government

Tyler Bridges - The Americas - December 21, 2009 07:09 ET

One-time rebels now hold key political positions across Latin America.

Brazil: More sympathy for David Goldman?

Seth Kugel - Brazil - December 18, 2009 22:50 ET

The tide of public opinion in the Sean Goldman custody battle may be shifting.

Brazil: public accusations of corruption

Seth Kugel - Brazil - December 18, 2009 06:41 ET

Did a reading program in Sao Paulo's public schools see its funds frozen because its founder refused to pay a bribe?

Brazil tries to preserve the Amazon through financial incentives

Seth Kugel - Global Green - November 25, 2009 07:44 ET

Save a tree and get money, a brick walkway and new metal roofs?

Soccer and soap operas in the Amazon

Seth Kugel - Brazil - November 5, 2009 14:39 ET

Even in a remote Amazon village, TV sets are tuned to stereotypically Brazilian obsessions.

Sign of the times

Seth Kugel - Brazil - October 16, 2009 09:31 ET

Sao Paulo’s clever new no-smoking symbol is so ubiquitous, it sometimes seems like it’s following you.

The "little country that could" didn't

Mark Starr - Sports - October 14, 2009 20:50 ET

In a World Cup drama, tiny Uruguay tried — but failed — to put Argentina out of its misery.

A World of Trouble: Is the nightmare over?

Thomas Mucha - Commerce - October 14, 2009 13:35 ET

With signs of economic recovery finally emerging, here's where things stand in 20 countries around the world.

2016 Olympics: Three funerals and a party

Thomas Mucha - Commerce - October 4, 2009 09:13 ET

Rio rocks. Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo mope.

The 2016 Olympics: The betting odds

Mark Starr - Sports - October 4, 2009 09:12 ET

President Obama is headed to Copenhagen. Will it matter?

Should internet campaign ads be against the law?

Seth Kugel - Brazil - September 17, 2009 16:55 ET

Brazil is trying to change laws that limit political speech. But it still wants to forbid anonymous blogging.

Global Blogs:

No reason for the News – Observations

Adam, Founder and author, "Eyes on Brazil" blog - Brazil - February 8, 2010 15:16 ET

While browsing one of the largest (online) newspapers in Brazil this morning, I noticed one thing…it’s the same thing I always notice, there’s no reason for the (Brazilian) News....

Fato real

Adventures of a Gringa in Rio - Brazil - February 8, 2010 15:01 ET

Right around the time I moved to Rio, Eli and I watched one of these videos and it went *woosh* right over my head. I didn't understand why it was funny, mostly because I missed a lot of what...

Obrigado Dilla

Tom Crookston, Author, "Nossa" blog - Brazil - February 7, 2010 12:01 ET

Insect 312

Steven Alexander, Author, "Tropical Diversity — The Amazon" blog - Brazil - February 6, 2010 18:30 ET

Belo Mte

Gil Serique, Author, "Windsurf and Wildlife in the Amazon" blog - Brazil - February 2, 2010 14:16 ET

Condicionantes para construção de Belo Monte garantem preservação e qualidade de vidaO Instituto do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama) concedeu nesta segunda-feira (1º)...

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