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Stem Cells


Drugs unlock the body's own stem cell cabinet

The discovery of drug regimes that liberate specific types of stem cells from the bone marrow could allow patients to produce their own healing stem cells


Race is on to use embryonic stem cells in humans

THIS WEEK:  18:00 25 November 2009  | 16 comments

After years of wrangling, several therapies using human embryonic stem cells are nearly ready to be tried in people. Which will be first?

Breath of fresh air transforms stem cells

14:32 09 November 2009  | 4 comments

Specialised lung tissue has been created by exposing stem cells to the open air

Souped-up stem cells rescue damaged limbs

11:16 07 October 2009  | 8 comments

The healing properties of stem cells have been enhanced by giving them a gene that summons extra blood vessels to newly formed tissue

Stem cell hope for childhood motor neuron disease

22:00 22 September 2009  | 4 comments

Treated mice recovered mobility and lived longer

Snort stem cells to get them to brain

THIS WEEK:  14:53 10 September 2009  | 9 comments

Stem cells could be inhaled to treat neurological conditions

China cracks down on stem cell tourism

00:01 04 September 2009  | 12 comments

New ethical guidelines reinforce rules designed to punish clinics that peddle bogus treatments

Doug Melton: Finding a cure for diabetes

14:58 03 September 2009  | 18 comments

Creating insulin-producing cells from skin cells is just the first step towards a cure for the disease, says Harvard Stem Cell Institute's co-director

One-gene method makes safer human stem cells

17:16 28 August 2009  | 10 comments

Human nerve cells have been reset to an embryo-like state using just one gene, reducing the risk that they will become cancerous

Stem cell spinal injury trial put on hold

15:25 24 August 2009  | 16 comments

Plans to give human embryonic stem cells their first clinical test have hit yet another roadblock

Bad spell for stem cells

UPFRONT:  10:19 06 August 2009  | 16 comments

Untested treatments, withdrawn research papers and questions over irregularities in current research raise the alarm



Anatomy of a stem cell controversy

Following a New Scientist investigation, a stem cell researcher has been found guilty of falsifying data. We take a look at the background to the story and ask: where does the affair leave stem cell science?


Christopher Reeve's good fight

After nearly eight years struggling against the quadriplegia caused by a riding accident, actor Christopher Reeve wants to shake up medical research


Woman receives windpipe built from her stem cells

Claudia Castillo is the first person to receive a windpipe transplant made partly from her own cells (Image: University of Barcelona)

A Colombian woman has become the world's first recipient of a section of windpipe constructed from donated tissue coated with her own cells


Instant Expert: Stem Cells

00:00 04 September 2006

Stem cells have amazing promise as a medical treatment, but there are still huge obstacles to overcome. Start finding out what they could do with our beginner's guide



As good as new: Scarless healing

00:00 25 September 2007

Fetuses have the ability to heal with no or little scarring - with a little help, perhaps adults could too


Be still my beating stem cell heart Movie Camera

00:00 23 April 2008

The types of muscle making up the human heart have been made from embryonic stem cells for the first time, and used to treat mice



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