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The Large Hadron Collider


Instant Expert: The Large Hadron Collider

The LHC is the world's biggest ever physics experiment, and by studying conditions close to those just after the big bang, it could solve some of science's deepest mysteries


LHC smashes protons together for first time

22:39 23 November 2009  | 90 comments

The particle accelerator is now officially a collider – it will attempt to break the world record for collision energies before the end of the year

Future colliders: Beyond the LHC

11:49 20 November 2009  | 51 comments

Physicists are already plotting how the discoveries of the Large Hadron Collider will shape the next generation of particle smashers

In SUSY we trust: What the LHC is really looking for

18:00 11 November 2009  | 166 comments

Forget the God particle - the rebooted Large Hadron Collider will give us much greater revelations

Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers

18:00 09 September 2009  | 54 comments

Particles approaching a black hole event horizon collide at energies way beyond those of accelerators on Earth, and could reveal new physics

Tevatron tightens up the race for the Higgs

09:00 31 August 2009  | 59 comments

With the Large Hadron Collider yet to restart, the less powerful – but working – Tevatron is piling up data and could find the Higgs boson first

Large Hadron Collider to restart at half its designed energy

00:24 07 August 2009  | 58 comments

The world's most powerful particle smasher will restart in November at just half the energy it was designed to reach – but it could still uncover exotic new physics, physicists say

Cool short cut could speed LHC restart

10:12 25 June 2009  | 30 comments

A single badly soldered join undid CERN's giant atom smasher – now engineers hope they have found a quick way to check all 10,000

Tom Hanks and Ron Howard: Space geeks

09:00 20 June 2009  | 36 comments

The Hollywood actor and director talk moon missions and atom smashing

Inside the tangled world of string theory

12:00 15 April 2009  | 53 comments

Edward Witten, leading architect of string theory, tells New Scientist how it feels to work in an area so rarefied that it's a problem conveying to other people what he does

The woman in charge of the world's biggest experiment

14:45 04 March 2009  | 12 comments

How does it feel when your work could unlock the mysteries of the universe? We ask Fabiola Gianotti, who is taking over as head of the ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator



The man behind the 'God particle'

Peter Higgs

Peter Higgs is almost as elusive as the particle named after him, but as the latest, $9-billion search for the Higgs boson gets underway, New Scientist asks this unassuming physicist how he will feel when he is finally proved right - or wrong

A burst of pressure from escaping helium damaged the Large Hadron Collider's magnets - click the link in the main text, left, to see more images.

First images of the damage that shut the LHC

Pictures from CERN show the damage caused by escaping helium that shut down the world's most powerful particle accelerator



Why the world WON'T end on September 10

Valerie Jamieson explains why the Large Hadron Collider will not destroy the world


LHC scare stories were good for science

Stories that the LHC would destroy the Earth were ridiculous, but they may have done more for physics than you think, says Valerie Jamieson

View down a vacuum tube made to house the twin beam pipes for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator. Estimates of the LHC creating a "dangerous event" included 1 in a billion per year or much smaller (Image: CERN / SPL)

How do we know the LHC really is safe?

Theory says the Earth is secure from black holes created by the Large Hadron Collider – but what if theory is wrong?



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