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Instant Expert: Sputnik's Legacy

A replica of Sputnik 1 (Image: NASA)

The launch of the first satellite, Sputnik, on 4 October 1957 forever changed the world. New Scientist delves into the legacy of the pioneering spacecraft


Shrink-to-fit spacesuit eases astronauts' workload

NEWS:  10:00 29 November 2009  | 16 comments

Astronauts will one day get suited and booted in seconds by stepping into an overlarge, part-robotic spacesuit that contracts to fit them

New space telescope to hunt for stealth asteroids

UPFRONT:  13:16 26 November 2009  | 13 comments

NASA's WISE infrared telescope will be able to find hundreds of near-Earth objects and maybe even a faint Jupiter-sized object lurking in deep space

Dark power: Grand designs for interstellar travel

COVER STORY:  18:00 25 November 2009  | 185 comments

We could reach the stars if we built a black hole starship or a dark matter rocket – we've got the physics to do it

'Frankenstein' fix lets asteroid mission cheat death

18:37 20 November 2009  | 14 comments

The beleaguered Hayabusa asteroid probe is back on track to return to Earth after ground controllers cobbled together a working engine from two dead ones

Is this the end for human space flight?

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  14:25 20 November 2009  | 120 comments

Have our dreams of sailing through space run out of history? Michael Hanlon thinks they have; Ivan Semeniuk can't see them being allowed to die

NASA seeks its one true glove

14:58 17 November 2009  | 22 comments

The second Astronaut Glove Challenge for more dextrous space gloves takes place this week

NASA to restart primate irradiation testing

11:07 16 November 2009  | 83 comments

The effect of space radiation on astronauts is still a big question mark for deep space exploration – primate research is meant to cut it down to size

Impact reveals lunar water by the bucketful

19:38 13 November 2009  | 69 comments

NASA's LCROSS mission has confirmed an icy store of water at the moon's south pole

Propelled by light: the promise and perils of solar sailing

21:30 11 November 2009  | 31 comments

Despite earlier failures, the Planetary Society is gearing up to test another solar sail in space in a year – executive director Louis Friedman explains why

'Space elevator' wins $900,000 NASA prize

23:37 06 November 2009  | 109 comments

A laser-powered robot climbed 900 metres up a cable suspended from a helicopter, winning a prize that had gone unclaimed since 2005


Whatever became of Valentina Tereshkova?

Valentina Tereshkova

The first woman in space is a pivotal figure, but how many people remember who she was?


Sputnik's Legacy: 50 years and counting Movie Camera

Sputnik's Legacy: 50 years and counting

Astronauts, scientists, artists and space entrepreneurs share their much-loved images


Tom Hanks and Ron Howard: Space geeks

Tom Hanks in <i>Apollo 13</i>, directed by Ron Howard (Image: SNAP / Rex Features)

The Hollywood actor and director talk moon missions and atom smashing


Apollo 11: Why the moon still matters Movie Camera

In 1969, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Forty years later, we look at the impact the Apollo landings had, and the future of lunar exploration



50 years in space Movie Camera

00:00 07 September 2007

In 2007, the space age turned 50. On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 into orbit and transformed the world forever. Here, we trace the changes it inspired


Fresh claim for fossil life in Mars rock

17:04 27 November 2009

The 1996 claim that a meteorite contains microbe fossils from Mars has been boosted by the rejection of a non-biological explanation for the minerals

Is NASA's 'paper rocket' the year's best invention?

18:36 17 November 2009

Time magazine's choice of the year's best invention is causing an uproar in the space community


Pimp my scope: Revamping Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope is showing its age, but a makeover promises to give us our best ever views of the universe. Jeff Hecht reports



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