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Bird Flu


Instant Expert: Bird Flu

The bird flu pandemic could, if it starts spreading among humans, kill millions. Start finding out why with our beginner's guide


First evidence that bird flu is spread sexually

15:15 19 October 2009  | 15 comments

Bird flu may be a sexually transmitted infection, at least in ducks – and the less well-endowed the male, the greater the chance of spreading the virus

Bird flu virus linked to inflamed brains

12:58 12 August 2009  | 3 comments

Influenza virus can go from gut to brain, leaving animals with symptoms similar to those in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

Bird flu mix-up could have spelled disaster

UPFRONT:  11:11 05 March 2009  | 26 comments

Live H5N1 bird flu virus sent out accidentally from an Austrian lab last year was injected into ferrets and mixed with a human strain before anyone realised

Hidden weakness could yield universal flu vaccine

14:51 24 February 2009  | 11 comments

The flu virus is a master at guiding the immune system's attacks to its strongest defences – now a way to avoid its decoys could lead to a long-lasting treatment for many kinds of flu

Struggle over bird flu samples drags on

UPFRONT:  10:00 20 December 2008  | 15 comments

Indonesia hold firm on its refusal to share its H5N1 virus samples until there are guarantees over a share of the potential benefits

Which virus will birds give us next?

IN BRIEF:  10:02 30 November 2008  | 5 comments

One common form of cold virus turns out to have started in birds – and the discovery is helping to show how animal viruses spread to people

Lung treatment breathes new life into flu vaccines

14:55 25 September 2008  | 3 comments

Inhaling, rather than injecting, vaccines provides added protection against influenza, and could make stocks go further in a pandemic

Watch out for the other bird flu

THIS WEEK:  10:32 22 September 2008  | 3 comments

H5N1 is not the only threat - another form of bird flu that infects humans is common in poultry and, with a few mutations, could become a killer too

Indonesia holding out for bird flu vaccine deal

UPFRONT:  10:53 24 May 2008

Indonesia will release genetic information from its recent H5N1 samples, but is still limiting export of viruses for vaccine development

Past patients could provide fast flu vaccine

UPFRONT:  10:20 06 May 2008  | 5 comments

A speedy new way to make antibodies to flu could provide a treatment within weeks of the onset of a pandemic


Timeline: Bird Flu

Follow the emergence of a deadly disease with our timeline


Inside the flu virus

What is the flu virus made of, and how is it constructed? Find out with this exclusive graphic



How flu invades cells and multiplies

The flu virus has evolved tricks to dodge or hijack a cell's defences. Our graphic explains how it does it


FAQ: Bird Flu

New Scientist's in-house expert Debora MacKenzie answers the most commonly-asked questions about bird flu



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