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Physics & Math


Dams linked to more extreme weather

IN BRIEF:  13:00 22 December 2009  | 24 comments

The statistics of rainfall around more than 600 dams reveal many have triggered more extreme storms

Single light wave flashes out from fibre laser

17:30 21 December 2009  | 25 comments

A long-elusive goal of physics has been reached – producing a pulse of light so short that it contains just a single cycle of a light wave

Engage the x drive: Ten ways to traverse deep space

10:00 21 December 2009  | 65 comments

So far humans have only made it to the moon. We look at some technologies and wild ideas that could take us much farther

Sceptical climate researcher won't divulge key program

17:33 18 December 2009  | 79 comments

A physicist whose work is often highlighted by climate-change sceptics is refusing to provide the software he used to other climate researchers

Clearest sign yet of dark matter detected

12:28 18 December 2009  | 46 comments

An experiment in a Minnesota mine has seen a tantalising glimpse of dark matter, the stuff thought to make up most of the universe's mass

Alice's adventures in algebra: Wonderland solved

FEATURE:  18:00 16 December 2009  | 64 comments

The absurdities of Lewis Carroll's classic disguise an attack on new-fangled mathematics, says literary scholar Melanie Bayley

Baby black holes implicated in universe's mightiest rays

13:22 15 December 2009  | 24 comments

The merger of two types of dead star to form a black hole may explain the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

Our atmosphere came from outer space

14:28 14 December 2009  | 32 comments

Comets may have given birth to Earth's atmosphere, rather than volcanoes spewing gases from deep within the planet

Higgs in space: Orbiting telescope could beat the LHC

THIS WEEK:  12:13 14 December 2009  | 48 comments

The FERMI space telescope could beat the Large Hadron Collider to the first evidence of the Higgs boson, the particle thought to give others mass

Cave 'breathing' regulates growth of stalactites

IN BRIEF:  10:00 13 December 2009  | 28 comments

The way caves "breathe" from season to season is the true controller of stalactite growth – so estimates of ancient rainfall may be wrong


Welcome to the high-carbon future

Wonder-material is poised to take the world by storm (Image: Getty)

From coal, soot and pencils to electronics, nanoribbons and atom-thick semiconductors – carbon is turning out to be even more talented than we thought


Dark power: Grand designs for interstellar travel

Traveling the universe on the back of black holes (Image:George Marks/Kauko Helavuo/Stone/Getty)

We could reach the stars if we built a black hole starship or a dark matter rocket – we've got the physics to do it


LCD screen can recognise what happens in front of it Movie Camera

See users wave their hands in front of the prototype to manipulate objects displayed on the Minority Report-style gadget



The quest for Mandelbrot fractals in 3D

See the process that led to the creation of the first "real" 3D images based on the Mandelbrot set, the most famous fractal equation


Rumours that first dark matter particle found

14:35 08 December 2009

The physics blogosphere is abuzz with speculation that a dark matter particle has been found by the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, an underground mine in Minnesota

Wagering on the 'God particle'

16:00 04 December 2009

Munich-based lecturer Alexander Unzicker is inviting LHC insiders and the rest of the world to place bets on finding the Higgs boson



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