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Instant Expert: Cosmology

Cosmologists study the universe as a whole: its birth, growth, shape, size and eventual fate. Get started with our beginner's guide


Top 10 space stories of 2009

12:00 31 December 2009  | 4 comments

The most popular space stories of the year include a visualisation of what it would look like to fall into a black hole

2010 preview: Will a neutralino steal Higgs's thunder?

12:00 26 December 2009  | 44 comments

The Large Hadron Collider is primed to reveal the origin of mass – but an unexpected particle could grab the news

Clearest sign yet of dark matter detected

12:28 18 December 2009  | 49 comments

An experiment in a Minnesota mine has seen a tantalising glimpse of dark matter, the stuff thought to make up most of the universe's mass

Higgs in space: Orbiting telescope could beat the LHC

12:13 14 December 2009  | 50 comments

The FERMI space telescope could beat the Large Hadron Collider to the first evidence of the Higgs boson, the particle thought to give others mass

Why we shouldn't release all we know about the cosmos

13:28 03 December 2009  | 210 comments

The Planck spacecraft promises a feast of data and profound insights into the origin of the universe – but we mustn't be gluttons, says Stuart Clark



Lithium: The hole in the big bang theory

What really happened in the first few minutes after the big bang? One element could hold the answer, says Matthew Chalmers


Dark power: Grand designs for interstellar travel

18:00 25 November 2009  | 232 comments

We could reach the stars if we built a black hole starship or a dark matter rocket – we've got the physics to do it

Orion's dark secret: Violence shaped the night sky

10:23 23 November 2009  | 43 comments

A ring of bright stars surrounds us, giving us some of our most familiar constellations. But where did it come from?

Ripples in space divide classical and quantum worlds

18:00 18 November 2009  | 73 comments

We're made of subatomic particles that can be in two places at once. So why can't we?

Mystery 'dark flow' extends towards edge of universe

12:46 16 November 2009  | 114 comments

Over a thousand galaxy clusters are streaming in one direction across the sky – some think it's the first sign of a neighbouring universe

In SUSY we trust: What the LHC is really looking for

18:00 11 November 2009  | 176 comments

Forget the God particle - the rebooted Large Hadron Collider will give us much greater revelations


The great antimatter mystery

When the universe was born antimatter was just as plentiful as matter. What happened to change that? Physicists Helen Quinn and Yossi Nir investigate


Top 10: Weirdest cosmology theories

00:00 02 September 2008

Cosmology is one of the most creative and bizarre areas of science. Explore some of the strangest ideas in this exclusive feature



Coming soon: First pictures of a black hole Movie Camera

You can't see a black hole directly, but you can see its shadow – and now vast telescopes are ready to get their first glimpse of the cosmic monster at the heart of our galaxy


String theory: A beginner's guide

It is one of the most famous ideas in modern physics, but string theory is also strange and difficult to understand. Our guide should help you get started

Has GEO600's laser probed the fundamental fuzziness of space-time? (Image: Wolfgang Filser / Max Planck Society)

Our world may be a giant hologram

Could our three dimensions be the ultimate cosmic illusion? A German detector is picking up a hint that we are all mere projections



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