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72-Hour Social Media Blitz To Hunt For Susan Powell

The mystery of a missing mom's disappearance on December 6 could have been ripped from a screenplay out of a Law & Order TV episode. Strange disappearance of a 28-year Susan Powell while husband Josh Powell takes toddlers camping in a wintry Utah desert the night she disappeared. Questionable and tell-tale evidence as to why her phone, purse and keys were left behind. The twist, however in this scenario is not the police investigation. It's how friends and family have decided to use the power of social media to solve the case.

Susan PowellSusan PowellThe 72-hour "Susan Powell Social Media Blitz" campaign is scheduled to Josh PowellJosh Powellbegin Monday, January 4 at 8AM MST and will end Thursday, January 7 at 9AM MST. It will coincide with the "Susan Powell Purple Ribbon Campaign." Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan's best friend, says "We want every household in the country, every computer monitor, across the ocean as well." They are working against a 72 hour time-line.

A Facebook Fan Page has been posted where 11,512 members have already registered (as of this posting). The Facebook administrators are urging people to use any and all online avenues to spead the video via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs. They're asking everybody to e-mail at least 5 friends. Hellewell says she thinks the blitz is the most effective way to find Susan. She says, "Since I don't have a clue, and I don't know where to look, that's why I'm pushing the online means every way possible."

Susan Powell Facebook Fan PageSusan Powell Facebook Fan Page

As of this posting, "what is hoped to be" a viral video is about to be posted on YouTube. It is still in development and the family and friends are working to get it ready for Monday with new photos and images. They are asking people to display purple ribbons as reminder of the ongoing search for Susan.

On December 14, a FoxNews channel released the following report.

The Internet is a double-edge sword. While social media tools will definitely keep this case alive and in the mindset of many, there are others that will use the same tools perniciously. A few have chosen to take that route and have begun turning their frustrations against those closest to Susan – according to Isabelle Zehnder at the Seattle Headlines Examiner. Isabelle ZehnderIsabelle ZehnderFriends and Family of Susan Powell have taken criticism for using social networking sites, and noted that they have  "been ridiculed for not being out there, looking in dumpsters, out hiking through the freezing desert. We believe this is more productive. We’re using the Internet as a tool to spread the message about Susan to as many people as we can.”

I would urge my readers as well to assist in this endeavor as much as possible. We all have followers and fans on social networking sites. While we communicate with our contacts often to build our brands and transmit our personal messages, this is an important opportunity to utilize those same resources to help in this missing person investigation.

If you have suggestions please leave them in the Comments section below. The information will be passed along to the Friends and Family of Susan Powell.

Check back to this blog as I will be uploading the 'viral' video as soon as its posted to YouTube.

Ron Callari
Society and Trends Writer
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Dec 31, 2009
by Anonymous
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Susan Powell

I belive that what you are doing is a good thing . However I also think at this stage a good look around Josh with a fine tooth comb is very much needed. And I'm sure that tha's being done. As a mother I would never leave my babies and if taken where are the hostage notes phone calls or any thing like that. Truly I think that hubby knows EXACTLY where Susan IS and It's time to GIVE IT UP BUDDY

Dec 31, 2009
by Anonymous
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Susan Powell

I think it is good to use the media but also i think there needs to be allot of searching the media thing works if she is alive but if not they still need to find her to get closure a relative of mine was missing before....i don't think i could have kept my self from searching ...they said they don't know where to start but how about start searching from her house ,canvass her neighbor hood and surrounding parks or something.

Dec 31, 2009
by Anonymous
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Susan Powell

I think it is good to use any and all means to find Susan. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends and I truly hope that they find the answers. I especially feel for those 2 little boys. As a mom I know I could never leave my child.

Dec 31, 2009
by Anonymous
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Susan Powell

I agree the media blitz is great if she is alive. At the same time, we have to search in other ways if she is not. People searched large areas on foot, and found Danielle VanDam. This is not what is wanted, of course, but the family then knew where she was and was able to bring the murderer to trial. That rental car was taken so many miles and those distances (half of the total mileage approximately) need people on foot to go through the snow -- and LOOK for areas that look very disturbed. It could mean solving this case in as little time as possible. Of course, do not disturb the area, but call the police.

Jan 1, 2010
by Anonymous
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Tangle Web We Weave when we practice to deceive

I think when this investigation all comes to a head, some people are going to be very shocked at who Kriisi Hellewell's loyality really belongs to, and it is not Susan Powell. Not the Susan Powell she described as "girly girl"., no sir ree.

Just my opinion.

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