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Kideo: YouStar’s Existing Competition Lets Children Star In Animated Flix

I recently introduced you to YouStar, which allows people of all ages star in their favorite action films or romantic comedies, so that they can pretend to be Jennifer Anniston's leading man (or lady). But did you know that before this company announced the release of their brand of product, another one, Kideo, already captured the market?

Click Happens! Young Inventors Wanted For LEGO® Click Awards 2009

Lot's of stuff can "click."  Friends click with each other, teachers can click with their students, and if there's one ingredient missing in the soup and then it's found by the chef, it's a click!  An "aha!" moment, some call it, when everything seems to fit perfectly.  LEGO® is a company that knows about clicks, in more ways than one, and they are looking for young inventors who have had their own clicks.

Pimp Your Brolly With The Burera Coiling Umbrella Handle

The Burera Coiling Umbrella Handle frees up your hands when inclement weather strikes. Students, shoppers, busy mothers and anyone fumbling for their house or car keys will appreciate this ingenious add-on that grips your shoulder like an angry anaconda in heat.

Innovative Planet-Friendly Bike Ride In The Sky: The Shweeb

What do you get when you combine a human, a bike, a monorail, exercise and a roller coaster together? A pedarail? Sort of. You get a fun innovative and earth-friendly park ride New Zealand calls a Shweeb. 

AquaClimb – Rock On!

If you or someone in your family is a thrill-seeker, this product may be right up your alley. The AquaClimb combines two popular sports, swimming and wall climbing!


Awesomely Cool Glow-in-the-Dark Glow Bricks

If you haven't seen Glow Bricks, hold onto your light bulbs folks! These glow-in-the-dark bricks are amazingly cool products that are guaranteed to be great big hit with kids and adults of all ages.


Octopus Fun Float: For a Great Big Splash

Instead of heading to the back yard pool with those boring, ho-hum floats you have stashed in the garage, why not make a great big splash with an affordable, super cool pool toy the entire family will enjoy?

Remote Control Hammerhead Shark

We all need a little bit of excitement during the dog days of summer, right? If you happen to have a backyard pool, hold onto your life jacket. You are going to love the Remote Control Hammerhead Shark!

Giant Ducky Pool Float: This Aint Your Mama’s Rubber Ducky!

If you've been in the market for a different kind of play toy for the kids this summer, you're in luck. Watching the expression on the kiddies faces when they see Giant Ducky for the very first time - priceless!

Games2U: Mobile Video Gaming For Summer Parties

We're at the height of birthday party season for children across North America, and while parents are having parties with cake, balloons, and at best, bouncy castles; the competition is steep to throw a party that kids will still be talking about when school starts again in the fall.

I Feel Stamp Kit: Just Put on a Happy Face

If you are looking for a fun and affordable project for your children this summer, here is a fun product the little ones will just love! The I Feel Stamp Kit, by Alex, is sure to be a great big hit with the kiddies - and moms and dads too!

Float Your Own Boat: Motorized Inflatable Bumper Boat

If you are looking for a great summertime activity for the family, look no further. Kids of all ages will have a blast in their very own Motorized Inflatable Bumper Boat!

With 250 Million Users, This Is Not Your Son's Facebook Anymore!

Working its way to 1 Billion users, Facebook just reached the one quarter billion mark (250 Million), only three months after reaching its last milestone of 200 million in April. So with such exponential growth, why is there so much talk about people leaving this social network?

Metal Race Car: Super Sleek Ride for Kids

If your kids are looking for a super cool ride, check out these slick and  sleek wheels!  The silver Metal Race Car may be just the ticket for your little racers.

DIY Glowing Dinosaurs Lamps: Dig It

Need to spruce up the kids bedroom? If your kids love dinosaurs, and what kids don't, they are going to love this fun do-it-yourself product that is not only adorable, but is functional as well!

The Top 5 Entrepreneurs With Successful Businesses In Childhood and Youth

It's never too early to have good ideas, and children are constantly coming up with them. Unfortunately, it can be hard for young and aspiring entrepreneurs to get the attention of someone who can help take their business from an imaginative idea to a successful business. However, there are 5 young entrepreneurs out there who have broken through those barriers in order to launch successful businesses that have been helped and not hindered by their age!

Comfort Food At Its Finest: Restaurant That’s All About Mac ‘N Cheese!

After I recently wrote an article about a restaurant that deals exclusively in PB&J based meals, a reader suggested S'MAC, another restaurant that features a food that will take you back to your childhood and to the days of your mom's hearty home cooking. I really hope you like cheese; but who doesn't?

Chalkboard Tees: Write On!

If your kids need to update their wardrobe this summer, you've come to the write right place! Chalkboard Tees are t-shirts with a difference and the kiddies are going to love them!

Hilarious Baby Chest Hair T-Shirt: Mature Fashion For Children

The expression "that'll put some hair on your chest" is one that has been used for ages, but now, children don't need to wait for it to happen anymore, thanks to a funny novelty t-shirt.

Pool Fashion Fit For A Gold Medal Winner: Custom Swim Caps

With Michael Phelps being the latest sports star to motivate athletic children across the country, they too want to look like the gold medal winning swimmer every time they hit the water for their swimming lessons or swim competitions. Custom swim caps do exist out there, so motivate your own Olympic swim star with their own design.