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Video Games

Suma Squeezable Sensor Could Bring Video Games to the Next Level

Suma is an interesting new concept in video game control that translates squeeing motion into on-screen feedback.

10 Cool Gifts for the Big Geek In Your Life

Finding a gift for that Big Geek in your life (male or female, father, son, daughter, step-sister-thrice-removed) can be difficult.  If you're looking for ideas, read on my friends...

Back to the Future Mod Fluxes My Capacitor

From the moment I set eyes on it, I wanted to drive the DeLorean time machine from Back to the Future.  And while this desire will most likely never be fulfilled, this mod designed with CryEngine2 may be the next best thing...

Mattel's Avatar Toys Put Virtual Reality in the Palm of Your Hand

With $400 million at stake, you can bet the marketing blitz is going full-throttle for James Cameron's new film, Avatar.  And, of course, this means toys, toys, toys!

Are they cool?  Hell yeah, they are.  And they offer something I've never seen in a toy.

Pac-Man Key Covers Bring Lock To Your Game

Pac-Man is celebrating its 30th anniversary next year and these nifty classic game ghost key covers will ensure you don't get locked out before it's Game Over.

Social Media Putting The "Black" Back In Black Friday?

Black Friday is the term used to mark the start of the traditional Christmas shopping season in which retailers transition from being in the red (posting losses) to black (turning profits). The difference this year might get an extra boost as merchandise in stores online and off utilize social networks, Web sites and mobile applications. Will having access to the new social media tools available be enough to turn that red ink black? Check out ten enterprises that are banking on it!

SnazL & Flip.to, Social Media Tools For Sharing Content

SnazL and Flip.to are two of the first open source tools to bridge the gap between content and community. By allowing users to create and share their videos, photos and content from one central location, the user become the center of his or her own sphere of influence cross social media platforms.

Project Natal--XBOX's Controller-Less, Motion-Based Gaming Coming Next Year

New information from a recent leak indicates that Project Natal will drop a year from now at a very attractive price point.

Advertising In Video Games

Dear Marketing Firms:

Please insert real-life products into my video gaming environments so I don't forget they exist.

Your biggest fan,

J. Barker

Nintendo Isn't Kidding With The 'Baby And Me For Wii' Doll Controller

"Baby and Me for Wii", set for release this December in Australia, is the latest and perhaps the strangest application yet for Nintendo's popular Wii game console. "Bring your baby to life with your Wii remote"... and with that, let the creepiness begin!

Sony Playstation PS3 Coffee Table Is A Winning Design

French designer Stephane Perruchon was very impressed by his new Sony Playstation PS3 and, especially, its ergonomic controllers. Following what must have been a a caffeine-fueled all-nighter, he decided to create this eye-catching PS3 coffee table.

Thrustmaster T-Freestyle NW Brings Wii Skateboarding Action for Less

Save a little money this Christmas and get all the skating/snowboarding action from the Thrustmaster T-Freestyle NW.

Nintendo DSi LL Supersizes Your Screen, Picks Your Pocket

Nintendo just can't enough of a good thing and either can buyers of its popular DS-series portable gaming consoles. The answer, in the form of the big-screen DSi LL, arrives in Japan this November 21 but Americans will have to wait until 2010.

How "Mickey Mouse" Is Re-Branding?

While branding oneself takes time and effort to spin out a new product, re-branding can take several washes to redefine that same brand. Take for example the work United Airlines had to accomplish after breaking someone's guitar. Let alone the number of Twitter apologies issued forth by Chris Brown and Kanye West. But when others do it in reverse and run their good-guy image through a darkside wash cycle, the task might be a little easier. Such is the case with the re-engineering of one Mickey Mouse.

Look Out! Wearable Eyeball Robot Ads New Level of Gaming for iPhone

"Hey, Bill?  What's that on your arm?"


"That.  The eyeball."

"Oh, that!  It's my new robot interface."

Geeky Gamer Fashion: Funky And Fun Tetris Dress

Tetris has inspired many fashion items, and it's still up for debate whether it's reserved for the geeky gamer or the whimsical fashion lover. If you've yet to choose sides, this one of a kind dress design just might sway you.

Foursquare Clique Has A Ticket To Ride On The BART

Odd that Foursquare, the Location-Based Social Network with it roots in Manhattan should strike its first transit deal with the Bay Area Rapid Transit in San Francisco versus the New York Subway system. Is the new location-based social network attracting a narrow demographic of West Coast clique-ish gamers?

Wii Louisville Slugger Gets You Swinging For the Fences

A real Louisville Slugger for your Wii. Well, not really that real, but you can swing it just like a real one.

Top Ten Massive Multiplayer Online Games on Facebook

So why are they called "Massive Multiplayer Online" Games, or MMOs for short? Because the popularity of social media gaming has gone through roof and the numbers of players now engaged have skyrocketed into the millions. While many MMOs can be played on stand-alone systems like Play Station, Nintendo and Xbox game players, the latest trend is registering for the online versions of these games on the world's largest social network...Facebook!

5 Ways In Which Video Games Have Warped My Little Brain

Just look at that picture.  It gives me the willies.  Have you ever had a video game stick in your head to the point that it starts messing with everyday reality?