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Instant Expert: Aviation

Over 100 years, the industry has grown and aviation technology has improved beyond measure. Get the gist of modern aviation in our beginner's guide


Solar-powered night-flying plane makes its first 'flea hop'

17:05 03 December 2009  | 26 comments

The first ever piloted solar-powered plane that could fly all night has taken off – it is meant to circumnavigate the globe one day

Don't pack your parachute: Totally free fall Movie Camera

FEATURE:  12:16 17 November 2009  | 63 comments

Teams of modern-day birdmen are racing to pull off a stunt they hope will be groundbreaking – but only metaphorically

Stealthy wind turbines aim to disappear from radar screens

15:22 23 October 2009  | 32 comments

An innovative redesign of wind turbine blades could render them invisible to radar – making them more palatable to air traffic controllers and the military

Albatross inspires ocean-skimming drones

FEATURE:  10:15 09 October 2009  | 11 comments

Like the far-flying bird, low-energy scouting aircraft could exploit variations in wind speeds close to the ocean surface

Better world: Offset your emissions

COVER STORY:  10:58 22 September 2009  | 32 comments

If you must fly or indulge in other carbon-intensive activities, carbon offsetters promise redemption

Fly-by-wireless set for take-off

FEATURE:  10:29 07 September 2009  | 56 comments

Planes could be made much lighter through replacing wired systems with wireless monitors – but the reliability of wire-free craft has yet to be proven

Why large carbon-fibre planes are still grounded

FEATURE:  17:04 20 August 2009  | 33 comments

Building lightweight composite fuselages for commercial aircraft is testing the ingenuity of plane-makers

How to turn seawater into jet fuel

16:59 18 August 2009  | 60 comments

The US navy has shown it can take carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the ocean and turn it into fuel – but this is far from free energy

Hover no bother for flapping 'nano' aircraft Movie Camera

15:51 13 August 2009  | 12 comments

The smallest ever free-flying aircraft to hover with flapping wings gets off the ground

Black boxes to get back-up battery

NEWS:  12:00 11 July 2009  | 23 comments

Flight recorders are key to finding out the cause of an air crash, but sometimes turn out blank – but now there is a fix


Avoiding waves that go bump in the flight

A new model that predicts gravitational waves caused by fast moving air could help pilots avoid clear air turbulence


Taking flight

For millennia, people watched in envy as birds dominated the skies, but by the 20th century people began to conquer the air. Find out how flying machines work


Etudes sur l'aerostation by M. Edmond Marey-Monge / Godfrey Lowell Cabot Science Library of the Harvard College library

The rise and fall of the metal airship

In 1844, Parisians with a franc to spare could marvel at the construction of a new mode of transport: a balloon made of brass


The history of aviation Movie Camera

Everyone has heard of the Wright brothers, but who did they base their work on? Find out all about it in this timeline of aviation

Soon the laser could be zapping missiles out of the sky (Image: Jim Shryne/USAF)

Airborne Laser lets rip on first target

Touted as the next big thing in anti-missile defence, this powerful weapon could lead to laser dogfights in the sky



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