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ALL YOUR BASE! Warning!:
This page contains triggers.

This is what it sounds like when doves cry shit their pants.

A long, long time ago, before Last Thursday ever happened, LJ user and trauma survivor Mexicanicepick tried to pick up a man for sex. Wearing a thong helped. After much whoring and begging for it he finally tries to get himself some ass - at which point she cries "ZOMG you sick fuck!" and refuses to have sex with him. He then walks away.

Although Mexicanicepick lead him on she changed her mind at the last moment and he left her alone. Since then she has been ranting on endlessly about the agony she faces every day because she WASN'T raped.


The Horrors of Not Being Raped

He tried to put his pee-pee inside my no-no place.


—Mexicanicepick is clearly very serious and astute about this subject.

Despite this it should be noted that while Mexicanicepick is severely sensitive to the word "rape" (which can cause immediate and terrible triggers) she herself has no problem with saying it over and over and over again.


The original, obviously pro-rape post.
Where Mexicanicepick berates someone with sick pets over their insensitivity to her manufactured psychological issues.

After spending a year battling serious depression and making a slew of codependent friends, all too willing to tell her how awesome and strong she was, she went batshit and became the champion of the almost raped, battling the injustice of someone using the term ass rape behind an LJ cut. The original post that caused much psychological pain for Mexicanicepick, forcing her to relive the experience of not being raped all over again, was made in an LJ Community for rat lovers, in regards to a vet bill. Initially, Mexicanicepick responded to the post not to offer advice or assistance to someone asking for affordable alternatives taking care of their sick pets, but to berate them for their insensitivity using language that makes her uncomfortable. In fact, reliable sources indicate that the writer of the post was naked at the time of posting and may have a penis, therefore Mexicanicepick was almost raped a second time. After her initial post, she left the battle to the legions of almost raped, fat, women who make up the majority of her audience/support network claiming that she did not have the strength to deal with it right now. :/

She responds later, with a lengthy rant about how dumb real rape victims are, no one gets it, she is the most raped of the rape victims. Please note that those who do not agree with her are obviously pro-rape. No matter how many times they have actually been raped. She gets called out, outlining that she was not even almost raped, she is just a cock tease that got pwned, and too afraid to admit it, using rape as a cover. BUT IT'S AWWRITE!

Notable Quotes

Because all of her journal entires are far, far TL;DR, we at Encyclopedia Dramatica have taken the liberty of selecting only the best bits. All of the quotes below are true. They have not been edited in any way. They did not need to be.

Original Comment: I survived ACTUAL sexual assault and I think you're full of shit.

Reply from Mexicanicepick: Hey, so did I. And I think you are full of shit.



—Most would agree with the original comment.

If there is one thing I did not do, it is send mixed signals. However, it is perfectly fair to send mixed signals. Even if I play a haywire-stoplight-themed game wherein I say "yes" and watch him get into (as my Shakespeare proffesor says) "shtupping" mode and then say "just kidding, no!" right before he sticks it in and acts thus until he cries and flees in frustration, that's still "fair".


—Mexicanicepick - admitting she's a attention-seeking whore.

I want (get ready) people (are you ready?) to treat (whooo boy) one another (HERE WE GO) with (!!!) empathy, compassion AND respect! Holy pinko-commie-feminazi-al-Qaida-cencorship, Batman!


—But as she knows full well it's much more fun to treat people like shit.

So, first of all, why does this keep happening to me? Because I will not, in fact, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


—Her wisest words.

I know I brought this upon myself (I don't know; I Know) but I want it to stop. It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, ITS NOT FAIR. I want it to stop.


—See? She admits it.

Current Mood: Sane


—In the same journal entry as the above quotes.

Previous Quote  |  Next Quote

Caution: Not being raped can cause severe suburban self-righteousness syndrome

9 out of 10 rapeseeds agree: Mexicanicepick is an attention whore

"But, if that opinion were expressed to me, you will note that I would not flip my shit and cry CENSORSHIP!"

The Internet will not Take any Moar of her Bullshit

Obviously, the way to make a difference in the world is whine on LJ.

Apparently Mexicanicepick was so disturbed as a result of not being raped that she failed to absorb anything relating to how American government and social reform work. Instead of getting her ass out and voting for candidates who are concerned with women's issues, joining women's organizations, or doing anything else that might have a positive effect on the issues she claims to care about, she prefers to remain sitting on her whiny, white, suburban ass in her parent's condo drama whoring on LJ.

Mexicanicepick's almost-raped butthurt has spilled over to Something Positive. Apparently one of her triggers is Santa fondling scantily clad women, and in response to this comic, Sandy felt it necessary to voice her opinion in the following email:

"I don't mind the filler on S*P. I do my best to overlook what I do mind about S*P and focus on its many redeeming qualities. But this is bugging me and it won't stop: Why does homicide Santa have to have his arm around a woman in low-cut lingerie, matching pumps and garters? Was that really necessary? S*P has this merciful tendency toward fully-clad women that I really appreciate, not to mention the Mike plotline wherein the "nice guy" was beautifully debunked. I find the basic decency of it all stellar and I'd like to cast my vote for more of that.


Best, Sandi"

Randy himself debunked her claims, and, because he's Randy Fucking Milholland, upped the exposed female flesh content in his strip for a week, giving credit where it was due, proclaiming "Tits out for Sandi Burtseva".

Sandi, in her mature manner, instead of taking her internet fame and letting people enjoy themselves, crafted this stunning retort:

"Was that "shout-out" really warranted? I even dropped it, rather than explaining that I caught the reference and still found it problematic. So much for discourse."

Randy pointed out that dropping the subject was hardly discourse, treating Sandi in a more civil manner than an hero of her magnitude deserves.

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