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noods plox

Sexting is a fun new fad for the kids sweeping the nation if not the world. With the advent of cheap camphones, every Tom, Dick and camwhore can now send each other n00ds and vidya of underage b& genitalia. This of course, is highly illegal and can lead to a visit from the Party Van.

Sexting is currently the leading cause of butthurt in overprotective parents [1].

Since CP is SFB, those in possession of pix from sexting face Class A felony obscenity and delinquency of a minor charges in the USA and teens who have been successfully prosecuted for sexting have been required to register as sex offenders. This is obviously a waste of tax payer money and isn't a big deal, because if this was to happen 15 years ago nobody would give a fuck, let the kids be retard kids, WTF. Adults expect 14-17 year old teens to not be sick horny fucks, epic fail.

When kids sext, this is what inevitably happens when the hawt pics end up on the internets:

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is part of a series on Sex


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