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Geo software aims to avoid ski resort eco-disasters

FEATURE:  14:00 28 December 2009  | 4 comments

The software analyses environmental factors to determine ideal spots for resorts, helping ensure alpine environments are not thoughtlessly disrupted

2009 review: It's the environment, stupid

14:00 26 December 2009  | 10 comments

Thoughts of climate change were never far away, but with ice on fire and a salamander uglier than ET, there was more to 2009 than political brouhaha

2009 review: In green tech we must trust

14:00 26 December 2009  | 15 comments

More brainpower than ever before has been expended on technologies to cut the damage we do to the environment – here are some of the most interesting

Dams linked to more extreme weather

IN BRIEF:  13:00 22 December 2009  | 29 comments

The statistics of rainfall around more than 600 dams reveal many have triggered more extreme storms

2010 preview: Automotive X Prize contestants power up

NEWS PREVIEW 2010:  19:00 20 December 2009  | 16 comments

From May, more than 40 teams will compete for a share of a $10 million prize for the most efficient car that could be mass-produced

Copenhagen chaos sets world on track for 3.5 ˚C

04:30 19 December 2009  | 198 comments

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the climate talks fell to pieces and climate modellers predicted dangerous levels of man-made global warming

Sceptical climate researcher won't divulge key program

17:33 18 December 2009  | 89 comments

A physicist whose work is often highlighted by climate-change sceptics is refusing to provide the software he used to other climate researchers

Copenhagen diaries: Capitalist gods and socialist tantrums

15:07 18 December 2009  | 17 comments

Get 115 heads of state and government into one conference centre, give them 5 minutes of airtime each and there's bound to be fireworks

Leaked Copenhagen draft suggests a win for China

11:45 18 December 2009  | 22 comments

New Scientist has seen a leaked draft of what the 115 heads of state who have come to the climate talks are expected to sign before they leave

Battle for climate data approaches tipping point

THIS WEEK:  18:00 16 December 2009  | 120 comments

Behind the "climategate" headlines, there are real struggles over access to climate records


Low-carbon future: We can afford to go green

Reducing carbon emissions needn't hit our pockets (Image: John Lamb/Getty)

An exclusive study for New Scientist shows that westerners can radically cut carbon emissions and keep their lifestyles


Extreme oil: Scraping the bottom of Earth's barrel

The bitumen in tar sands gives the earth a thick, mushy feel. This non-conventional oil is difficult and expensive to extract (Image: Lara Solt/Dallas Morning News/Corbis)

The extraordinary lengths we'll have to go to if we want to keep the black stuff flowing


Copenhagen chaos sets world on track for 3.5 ˚C

04:30 19 December 2009  | 198 comments

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the climate talks fell to pieces and climate modellers predicted dangerous levels of man-made global warming

Copenhagen climate talks break down, head for failure

00:48 19 December 2009

Climate talks seemed close to a deal but at the eleventh hour have taken two steps back and are headed for failure, says Catherine Brahic.



The Copenhagen climate change summit

It's being billed as the meeting that will decide the future of humanity. New Scientist picks out the key points of science and policy


Copenhagen climate talks break down, head for failure

00:48 19 December 2009

Climate talks seemed close to a deal but at the eleventh hour have taken two steps back and are headed for failure, says Catherine Brahic.

Copenhagen diaries: ... and then there were four

18:53 18 December 2009

The Copenhagen talks are now in extra time. Gloom and a strange silence has descended on the meeting rooms and corridors, says Fred Pearce



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