My journey through Narnia

Jan. 5, 2009 - A House To Keep

Shortly, this blog is going to be closed.  I am now blogging at a joint blog with my mom which you can find here.  We currently have posts up about how to write a thank-you note and the gift of wearing dresses.  Be sure to stop by and leave us a comment!


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Oct. 11, 2008 - I Can't Think Of A Title

Well, I'm back. I just wanted to give you a quick update on what been happening in my life.

I only have six more weeks of play practice!  We have a lot of work still to be down.  I'm not sure how long it is going to take to paint the backgrouds (I am not sure how many there are but I think there is only one for the church).  Since we finally finished blocking it's time to start work on my character.  I play an adult and a child I think I know I am going to act out Shirley(the child) but I am not sure how I am going to act out Mrs.Clark (the adult) though I know she is a little bit of a busy body.

I have recently finished reading Henry Reed Inc. it's about a boy named Henry Reed how starts a research business as far as I could tell he and his partner Midge do very little reasearch but have lots of adventures like when they though they had struck oil.I highly recomend it.

Well I must be going. See you later.

Lucy Pevencie

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Sep. 1, 2008 - back from my break

I'm back! I have been on a blogging break. I know three months is a long break. I didn't intend for it to be that long but I started school in the middle of August just before play practice started.  Now that I've gotten used to the new schedule I am starting to blog again.

A few weeks ago I started work on the play I'm in.  It's a christmas play called The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  It's based on the book by Barbara Robinson.  It's a wonderful book with a good message.  I was happy to get a part because it is one of my families favorite christmas stories.  Practice is on Mondays and Wensdays from 4:30 to 6:00 (pm of course.)  My sister also has ballet on those nights in fact she has it Monday through Friday.  this is my favorite line in the play, well Grace, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but Catherine told me that Irma told her that Helen told Phyllis that if she'd been up and around this never would have happened(she means that the Herdmans who are bullies wouldn't have been in the christmas pageant).  It is my favorite line because it is hard to say with one breath.

I wanted to share a poem I wrote with you.  I think I will call it The Lilly Pad, it is a simple name but it will do.

                                         I see a lilly pad and say hello

                          If you look closely you will see that it anwers me

                                    it waves its pedals and drifts closer

                                                 a lilly pad is friendly.

I'm sorry to leave you hanging but I have to gett ready for play practice.

Lucy Pevensie

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Jul. 5, 2008 - A Saturday Movie Review

Three days ago (July 2) my mom took me on a day out.  I was so excited when she told me that we were going to see the new american girl movie called Kit Kitredge: An American Girl.  I had been waiting two month for it to come out so I was even more excited when we went to the first show the day it came out.  We got in the theater just in time.  The movie takes place during the great depression I thought the film makers did a wonderful job showing what life was like during that time period.  The acting was amazing and all most every cast member is famous.  the movie is a mystery and one of my favorite parts is when one of the bad guys says: we didn't steal from the rich to give to the poor we stole the money and kept it (every one looks at her) realy that's what we did.  the way her face looked when she said it was really funny. The music was good to I liked that they put in music from that time period.  Kit  is a lively with good characters (thought I didn't like the dancer) and I can't wait to buy the dvd.

I hope every one had a good independence day.  My family and I went to see fire works on the third and the next day my dad stayed home and grilled hot dogs, chicken,and vegatables. After we finished lunch we went to the movies and saw Walle.  We didn't care for it.  When we got home had ice cream and my brothers made s'mores (my sister and I can't have marsmellows because of our braces).  And wached Benson.  Later when I was up stairs I heard fire crackers so looked out my window but I couls not see them so my brother and I wached them from his window.  The last thing I did before going to bed was finish the Kit mystery I was reading but that will have to wait till I post again.

Lucy Pevensie

p.s. to find out more about the Kit movie click here

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Jun. 5, 2008 - Finally Pictures

Tjis post is going to be mostly pictures.  I am so glad to finally firure out how to get them in a post.

This is a picture of our dog Sophie during her first snow.  She didn't like the snow falling on her but she liked playing in the snow after in stopped falling.

Here is one of the horses my mom got me yesterday.  Because I have been doing a study about horses from Beautiful Feet I have become horse crazy.  The horse in the picture is a Tennessee Walker it's my favorite horse.

Here is a picture of the flowers a talked about in my last post.  I can't wait till the flowers bloom!

I hope enjoyed the pictures.

Lucy Pevensie

P.s. I was going to show you some more pictures but they didn't work.  I will show them to you in another post.

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May. 23, 2008 - Things that are going on in my life

Yesterday I planted some Marigolds in our flower beds.  It was a little hard to soften the soil but it was fun.  I have to keep the soil moist for four-six weeks so the flowers will grow.                                 


That's right I saw PC!  My sister said that her faverite character was Susan (which is good because that's my pen name for her on my blog.)  My faverite character is still Lucy.  I almost cried at the end of the movie when the Pevensies went back to England.  one of my faverite parts of the movie is when Lucy said Reepicheap is cute.  We saw it the day after it came out.  The day after we saw it Susan bought the soundtrack and the rest of the soutrack from the first movie on itunes.  One of our faverite songs from the PC soundtrack is The Call.

I am waiting for August to come because that's when practice starts for the play I'm in.  The name of the play is The Best Christmas Pagent Ever.  I've read the book and I've saw the movie when I was little.

I am reading A Week In The Woods by Andrew Clements  It's very interesting.  I can't explain it very well. So you just have read it your self.

Well I have to go water my flowers.

Lucy Pevensie

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Apr. 14, 2008 - Dear Mr. Lincoln

I wrote a poem and I wanted to share it with you.  So here is Dear Mr. Licoln.

     dear Mr. Lincoln

Dear Mr. Licoln I have written you to say

   that I know you history saying the Gettysberg address that day

 but I wish you had made it a little shorter for the sake of all the kids today because it is so many words to memorize and say.

  Considering that you said the same thing a hundered differnt ways.

 so I think you could have saved us a lot of trouble by saying it once but I have to end this letter of protest

 and finish writing out the Gettysberg address.

Lucy Pevensie

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Apr. 10, 2008 - catching up

Hello once again I am sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I just don't seem to have the time (you know how that is.)  I will try to post every day. 

My classes are almost done we only have three weeks left,  It's been fun and I'm sad to see them end but I'm also relieved. It's a strange feeling.  I'm using Apologia General Science for science (hints the name.)  Another thing I'm using for school is the Beautiful Feet study The History Of Horses.  Soon I'm going to write a report on the Arabian horse.

I'm reading the Violet series from A Life Of Faith I really like them.  Right now I reading the second one Violets Amazing Summer.  Our library is moving to a new location because they don't have enough room for more books.  It's a good thing but the bad thing about it is that the library is closed for a whole month.  I am reading a book called Henry Reeds Big Show I can't tell you if I like it or not because I just started it but I can tell you I liked another one in the series called Henry Reeds Baby-Sitting Service.  Maybe I'll post a book review on it tomorrow.

Lucy Pevensie


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Mar. 13, 2008 - My first trip to the orthodontics

Yesterday Susan and I went to the orthodontist.  When we were called we went to the back and had photos and X-rays taken.  After that, we went to a room that was decorated like the beach and watched a video about having braces.  About twenty minutes later (the video was only about five minutes long Susan Mrs. Beaver and I talked the rest of the time) the orthodontist came back in.  She told us what kind of braces we need (we both need the same kind.)  Then came the messy part, they had to make molds of our teeth twice.  The first one was pink colored goo that had the consistency of tooth paste that they put on my bottom teeth then told me to bite down.  The second one was in a container and was twice as messy as the first one.  When we were done Mrs. Beaver told Susan and I that we are going to have our braces put on in three weeks.

Lucy Pevensie

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Feb. 10, 2008 - The wheel on the school and the dentist

I am reading The Wheel On The School . It is about five children who try to get storks to come to their little village of Shora, Holland.  Some one asked why it is called The Wheel On The School- you will find out if you read the book.  I am doing a book study on it from Total Language Plus.  It is so fun.  It teaches spelling, dictation, vocabulary, writing, critical thinking, and grammar.

I went to the dentist on Wensday.  The dentist said I didn't have any cavities but it was good that I was getting braces. I think I am getting them in March.

I am going to go read more of The Wheel On The School now.

Lucy Pevensie

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Jan. 24, 2008 - Names

I have decided to use fake names on my blog when I talk about my family.  Here are the names I am going to use...

Susan Pevensie for my sister                                                                                   

Peter Pevensie for my big brother 

Digory for my little brother                                                          

Mrs. Beaver for my mother                                                                                            

Mr. Beaver for my father

I have not had as much time to blog because I am taking class' one is an acting class and the other one is a readers theater class.  I will try to blog more often.

Lucy Pevensie

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Dec. 31, 2007 - Christmas in a hotel

I stayed in a hotel Christmas night not because my family and I went on a trip but because our pipes broke (yes our pipes broke on Christmas .) Here’s the story….

It started two days before Christmas when the toilet down stairs stopped working so we couldn't use.  Sounds simple doesn’t it? But the story doesn’t end there the next day one of my brothers comes inside from playing basketball to say that the pipe outside is spitting out water. But my dad was not there to look so on Christmas after Christmas dinner(we have Christmas dinner at lunch time) my dad shut off the water (before we cleaned up the dishes!) So we had no plumbing which meant no toilet. So my dad booked us a hotel then my sister got out the suitcases and we all packed. My dad decided to stay home and watch the dog and be sure to be home when the plumbers arrived the next day. The next day we where back in our house and we have plumbing again !

Lucy Pevensie

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Dec. 14, 2007 - Christmas Questions

I just joined Homeschool Kids Write here is assignment #11...

Wrapping paper or gift bags? both

Real or artificial tree? artificial

When do you put up the tree? this year we have more than one tree so we put one up the day before thanksgiving and the other one on thanksgiving day.

When do you take it down? new years 

Angel or star on the top of your tree? both

White lights or colored lights on the tree? white

Blinking lights or solid glow? solid glow

What are some of your favorite ornaments? the mitten that I painted and snow flakes.

Do your decorations follow a holiday theme? one of our trees theme is snow and one is red and gold.

Do you have a Nativity scene? yes we have one in the front room and I made one for the mantle.

Favorite gift received as a child? my American Girl doll

When do you start Christmas shopping? my mom usally takes me shopping by myself but on different days each year. 

Have you ever shopped the night before Christmas? yes my dad took me and my brothers and sister shopping for my moms Christmas present on Christmas Eve.

Have you ever recycled a Christmas gift? no

Hardest person to buy for? one of my brothers

Easiest person to buy for? my sister

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? pig jacks

Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Day? Christmas day

Mail or e-mail cards? mail and e-mail

Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas

Favorite Christmas song? Carol Of The Bells

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? the candy I get in my stocking.

Travel for Christmas or stay home? stay home

Most annoying thing about this time of year? I am not sure.

What do you love most about Christmas? the joy it brings

Can you name all of “Santa’s” reindeer? dancer,comet,prancer,cupid,vixion,dasher,blitzin,rudolf,and donner

If you would like to join Homeschool Kids Write click on the button in side bar. 

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Nov. 26, 2007 - Texas Government

I just joined State Explorations!  Here is assignment #10...

My State Capital is? Austin

How long has it been the capital? Austin has been the capital since 1845; 162 years. 

When was the city first established?  In 1839 Austin became the capital of the Republic of Texas.  It remained the capital when Texas became a U.S. state in 1846. 

Who was the first person/people to settle there? The Tonkawa Indians were living around Austin at the time Texas became a state. 

        Post a picture of your state capital


The population of your state capital is?   656,562

Is the capital the largest city in your state? no

If not, what is the largest city? Houston

The smallest city/town in your state? Guerra

Smallest town's population? 8

If you would like to join State Explorations click on the Texas flag in my sidebar.

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Nov. 4, 2007 - stories are always changing (at least while you're writing them)

I have changed the first story I'm writing if you don't know what I'm talking about then you should clink on this link.  If you have read the first story you still don't remembor the second story know this because I haven't posted it yet because I just started it friday.  It is about the life of Beatrix Potter I have written it like a diary.  The diary belongs to Violet Bunny Violet is not a real bunny but a painting that Beatrix did for..... well why don't I let you read what I have written and you can find out for youself so with out further ado here is The Diary Of Violet Bunny by (using my pen name of course) Malisa Potter:


Dear diary,

I have decided to start this diary so I can practice my writing and drawing skills because I want to be a famous author just like my mother Beatrix Potter.  Now be for I go on you need to understand that

beatrix Potter is not really my mother I just call her that she is more of my....creator because I am one of the rabbits that she painted for the front of a christmas card.  I'm actully one of the first things tha she painted during her childhood though she re-painted me before she showed me to the people who choose the paintings that go on the front of the cards. well I have to go now mother is going to read me her new story.

Earlier I said that I was using a pen name a pen name is a fake name you use when writing.  For example Dr. Seuss is a pen name.  I am going to use Malisa Potter as my pen name for my stories and lucy from the chronicles of narnia for my blog.  The Diary Of Violet Bunny is a biography of Beatrix Potter tough some of it is ficton like the fact that a paiting can't come alive.  I also told you that I changed the first book I'm writing.  If you want to know what I changed keep reading.  I didn't change anything important but I did add some thing.  Here is what I added. Elizabeth is in the kitchen talking on the phone with her friend Emily.  Now here is what I added: do you know if you are going to be able to be in the play? asked Emily my mom said I can if I help pay.  so now you know why stories are always changing(at least while you're writing them) is the title of my post. 

Lucy Pevensie

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Oct. 21, 2007 - Trixie Belden

I just finished reading the first Trixie Belden book and I highly recommend it.  Trixie Belden is a lively girl who befriends a new girl who just moved next door and together they help a teenage boy find the inheritance his uncle left him and get away from his mean step-father. It's a fast paced book with believable characters and lots of adventure this is definitely on my must read list.  If you're interested in Trixie Belden here are the titles of the first three books:  The Secret of the Manison,The Red Trailer Mystery,and The Gatehouse Mystery.  Enjoy!

Sugar and Spice

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Oct. 12, 2007 - A dollar bills week


  Every my brothers and sister and I sit down and have a free write.  A free write is when you sit down and write about anything.  This week I wrote a story about a dollar bills week and I wanted to share the story with you so with out further ado here is A dollar bills week

If you think being a dollar is a simple life you're wrong.  I just got out of the U.S. mint a week ago and I've already had numerous adventures.  The first day I was out in the world a short man put me in a rectangular machine that had the letters ATM on it.  A few hours later a lady in a blue mini van came and got me out of that dusty machine.  Then she spent me on her lunch there was nothing wrong with that until the cashier put me in the cash register.  The problem was that there were ten coins who wanted to go into the commercial business so they were trying to come up with some ketchup jingles and they kept me up all night arguing if it should be ketchup is the greatest or ketchup is the best.  When morning finally came my George Washington eyes were about to close when suddenly the cash register opened and I was taken out and put into the hand of an elderly man with glasses on.  The man put me in his wallet and I fell asleep.  The next thing I knew the man was taking me out of the wallet and putting me in a folded piece of paper with lots of writing on it.  Then he put me and the folded piece of paper in an envelope.  I was in there for two days!  When the card was finally taken out of the envelope I saw a freckle faced boy was beaming at me there was a flash of light.  Good Grief!  I was at a birthday party and I was the present.  Jimmy said a tall black haired woman why don't you go put that some were safe.  So I was taken down a hallway to a small room with animal posters on the walls.  Then I was put in a big drawer.  The next day the boy took me out and we went to the store the boy spent me on trading cards.  In the cash register I met another dollar named Joe he told me all about his adventures so in what felt like five minutes but was actually two hours the cashier took me and handed me to a little girl.  The girl took me home and put me in her piggy bank and that were I am now.  The piggy bank is a comfortable place and I have lots of new I have to go now Joe is here and he is going to finish telling me about his adventures.

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Oct. 9, 2007 - Catching up

Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile.   Sophie (our dog) Is getting spade on friday and then she does not have to go back to the vet for a long time!  I'm interested in the middle ages so my mom made this list of books about the middle ages.              


Middle Ages Reading List


The World of Columbus and Sons

Morning Star of the Reformation

Adam of the Road

The Magna Charta

Fine Print

The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt By Day



The Door in the Wall

Otto of the Silver Hand

In Freedom’s Cause- A Story of Wallace and Bruce

Castle Diary

The Minstrel in the Tower

Tales of Robin Hood

Master Cornhill

Black Horses for the King

Catherine Called Birdy

The Great and Terrible Quest

Mary, Bloody Mary

Luther: Biography of a Reformer

A Medieval Feast

Augustine Came to Kent

King Arthur and His Knights

Marguerite Makes a Book

Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

The Trumpeter of Krakow

The Story of St. Patrick

Time Traveler Book of Knights and Castles

What Were Castles For?


Kingfisher Book of World History   

The first book I chose from this list is catherine called birdy it is a story about a girl whos father is trying to marry her off.  But the book is not only about that for example when she visits her brother who is a monk she decides she is going to be a monk, and the time she decides she is going to run away with some jews.  thats all I can tell you right now be cause I am only half way through the book.

Every tuesday I take class' at a homeschool store near my house.  The first class I take is junior show choir we are learning these four songs Wouldn't it be loverly from My fair lady,Go,tell montain,Elbow room from Schoolhouse rock, and Getting to know you from the King and I.  My favorite song is Elbow room because I like the choreography.  The other class I'm taking is acting we are doing a skit called Troys magic I play rose the girl who is nice to troy even though the other kids tease him.  I'm also doing a monologue called Read any good dictionaries lately?

for school I am reading Freedom train and my mom is reading Across five aprils to me.   Well I have to go.

Sugar and Spice

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Sep. 11, 2007 - More of the story

As some of you know I've been writing story.  I've already posted the first chapter.  If you haven't read the first chapter or you want to read it again click here.  Here is what I have from the second chapter right now.

That night after dinner when her dad was reading his flight magazine Elizabeth asked, dad can a kid have their own business? Mr.Green put down his flight magazine then said they can if if a parent signs all the contracts and order forms.   Why do you want to know? Oh, Emily and I where just talking about kids having their own business.  There was silence for a moment then Elizabeth said dad if Emily and I started our own business would you sign all the contracts and order forms?  Sure,Betsy.  The next day when Elizabeth told Emily what her dad had said Emily said thats great then she brought out a big piece of poster board with lots of writing on it whats this? asked Elizabeth.  It's our business plan answered Emily.  business plan? yes now first we have to figure out how much money we have.  I have twelve dollars said Elizabeth thats good and with my money we have twenty-seven dollars(in case you're wondering Emily had fifteen dollars.)

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Aug. 27, 2007 - tagged

Amy tagged me   

here's the (odd) tag:

type your name:sugar and spice

type your name with your fingers: sugarand spice

type your name with your nose:e78tq5vqherbw-08df3

type your name with your knuckles:sjugwr qnd sdikucd

type your name with your heels:  qhrA PR    ayunfgn sx[olp895fseds

type your name with your toes: ccwasuvvzrfd si;0ce

type your name with your elbows: s8i9trfaq4e qkfd z

]'[  vred

i'm going to tag narniagirl,jbthhard,hebullard,and alizona

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