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Sex and shopping – it's a guy thing

FEATURE:  10:00 01 January 2010  | 22 comments

The promise of sex makes men open their wallets like nothing else. That makes them easy pickings for car dealers – and charities

Computer-aided design for life itself

NEWS:  10:00 31 December 2009  | 16 comments

A software package for designing synthetic life forms means you can create virtual organisms and see how they would function

High-tech tipples: The future of cocktails

FEATURE:  10:00 30 December 2009  | 12 comments

Dry Martini? Would you like that shaken, stirred, centrifuged or spherulated?

Free yourself from oppression by technology

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  12:00 27 December 2009  | 46 comments

That new phone or laptop may be giving you a warm glow, but beware a stealth attack on your happiness, warns Yair Amichai-Hamburger

Sugar-free satisfaction: Finding the brain's sweet spot

FEATURE:  10:00 27 December 2009  | 24 comments

Don't rely on zero-calorie drinks to offset that festive feast. Sugar-free sweeteners might fool your taste buds, but your brain knows better

2009 review: Sex at the noughties' end

Eyes off my man. Taken men are more likely to attract female admiration according to research done this year (Image: Matt Baron/BEI / Rex Features)

14:00 26 December 2009  | 11 comments

There was plenty to hold the attention of those with an academic interest in sexual attraction and reproduction

2009 review: Digging up prehistoric monsters

14:00 26 December 2009  | 10 comments

Dinosaur hunters and anyone with an interest in prehistoric creatures great and small were not disappointed

2010 preview: Journey to the bottom of the sea

NEWS PREVIEW 2010:  12:00 25 December 2009  | 22 comments

It's more like 6000 metres under the sea than 20,000 leagues, but an ambitious series of undersea explorations in planned

Pain or prayer? Two ways to grow a religion

FEATURE:  08:00 24 December 2009  | 74 comments

Some religious rituals are traumatic one-offs, others are soothing and repetitive - but it's best to stick to one or the other

Ancient clone saw out the last ice age

12:36 23 December 2009  | 17 comments

Clones of an ancient bush have been discovered in California by botanists who reckon it first grew at the height of the last ice age, 13,000 years ago


Homosexual selection: Nature's same-sex liaisons

Homosexual encounter.  Female Laysan albatrosses on the Hawaiian island of Oahu pair off with other females. (Image: Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures/FLPA)

From penguins to fruit flies to people, nature bustles with same-sex sex. Is it an evolutionary puzzle or a force for change?


Watery niche may foster life on Mars

This map shows the thickness of layered ice deposits at the south polar region on Mars.  The material consists of nearly pure water ice with only a small component of dust  (Image: NASA / ESA / ASI / Univ. of Rome)

Vast banks of snow and ice on Mars could harbour liquid water just centimetres below the surface, making them potential habitats for life


Octopuses use coconut shells as portable shelters Movie Camera

Remarkable footage of veined octopuses collecting coconut halves for use when under threat could be the first example of tool use in invertebrates


Fight! (Image: Cultura/Corbis)

Dogs vs cats: The great pet showdown

Which makes the best furry friend? We set canine against feline in a scientific best in show – the winner is revealed here


Where is Happyville, USA?

17:09 18 December 2009

The first ever league table of happiness in US states combines surveys of Americans and objective indicators of quality of life

Anthrax in heroin leads to deaths in Scotland

16:30 18 December 2009

Two heroin injectors have died of anthrax, says Debora MacKenzie, who reported similar cases in Scotland in 2000



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