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Interior Design Trends For 2010: Layered Floors & Wallpapered Ceilings



Both layering area rugs and wallpapering ceilings can make a room feel more intimate and cozy and, especially in winter, that sounds like a great idea.  

In consultation with a number of interior designers, the San Francisco Chronicle gleaned 10 design trends upcoming in 2010.   Overall the trends are going for more of the same: more mix and match of colors, styles, and textures, a continued interest in the collection of artisan works as opposed to brand name items, and an anything goes attitude when it comes to fitting pieces into your decor.

But what interested me most were the posited trends for layered flooring and wallpapered ceilings, again trends that resurfaced recently, but ones I think that can make the biggest bang for your buck.  

Here are some examples of rug layering which may give you some design ideas of your own.

First is a great blend of rugs with similar designs and colors, but varied placements and color tones.  Musical Chairs


 Musical Chairs (Kelims by FM Janssen)Musical Chairs (Kelims by FM Janssen)


Apartment Therapy shows how several of the same small rugs can be layered to create a more uniform look...



... also sharing what the Lost Art Salon, in Chicago, has created in its library....



 Zebra skins are often used as floor coverings.  Layered, they provide a warmer feel to the room.


Image from RugDesignBlog.comImage from RugDesignBlog.com


Here's a skin (perhaps faux?) of another kind used to create cozy white-on-white layers.


Image from Jubella.comImage from Jubella.com


Non-traditional floor coverings, like this vinyl patchwork rug, are in too, and they're great to mix and match, but place them carefully - or purchase a lot of home accident insurance!




A wallpapered ceiling adds interest to a square room, but avoid using the same wallpaper for walls and ceilings, unless you have woodworking at the edges to break them up.  Otherwise your square room will make you feel boxed in. Flickr.com




Even then, there can be too much of a good thing...  CountryLiving.com



If your rooms are rectangular, have high or vaulted ceilings, woodwork, or ceiling fixtures, wall paper can enhance their structure beautifully. Design Crisis   





How would you like to have a master bath like this one?  Architectural Salvage.  Ceiling medallions and stencils, many of which can be painted to match or contrast with your ceiling, are made of many materials (plaster, metal, plastic, etc.) and offer great texture... The higher your ceiling, the more texture you can afford to use.




 Look at the effects created by this Victorian bed vault!  DesignHole



Here is a great design effect created by faux ceiling tiles and wood paneling... Classic Wall Coverings



Of course you could go the way of the Russians and create a 24/7 live sculpture, expandable ceiling that changes its shape depending on where and how much water is leaking in the apartment above.



There are many special touches you can bring to your floor and ceiling designs on your own.  Creating patterns with rugs is so much fun.  You'll have more fun with wallpapering your ceiling, however, if you get a few pointers, so here's a place to start. 


Design UnLeashed!

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